Cahpter 9

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It's now October 19th. That means Halloween is coming up. Which also means I got to find a costume. Radrika, Aria and I go to party city to find some costumes.

"We need to all wear costumes to show we are together." Radrika says.

"Yeah!" I say.

"Let's do it!" Aria says. We walk in to the store and into the costume aisle. I find super hero costumes.

"How about we all dress up as super hero's?" I ask.

"I think that'll be cool." Radrika agrees.

"Don't you think that's childish?" Aria says.

"You can choose who you want to be." I say.

"Fine. Only if I can be the spider woman." Aria says.

"I call being bat woman!" Radrika says.

"I'll be," I look at all the choices and make my final decision, "Wonder Woman." Sweet. All our costumes were school appropriate. This is going to be fun. We all pay separately for our costumes.

"I'm super excited for Halloween this year!" I say.

"Ok, but we're just wearing them to school, so don't get too psyched." Aria says.

"Whatever." I ignore the fact that Aria probably didn't want to dress up.


The following Monday, on the 21st of October was a disaster. I failed my math test, and my vocab test in English. Sometimes I question to myself, how do you fail English when it's your first language?

Anyway, I was in lunch and sat with some old friends. Aria and Radrika aren't in my lunch, but I still have friends...old ones.

My old friends names were Alyssa Slates and Linda Quarles. Alyssa and Linda were talking about some kind of foreign food. I didn't hear much, but I saw that Edward was in my lunch. I didn't notice him until now. He went up into the lunch line. I was going to follow, but I didn't want to leave Alyssa and Linda.

After a few minutes, Ariana Sheats come up behind me and taps my shoulder. I hate her. You'll see why.

"Hey Ashlyn!" She says. Alyssa and Linda run to another table to get away from Ariana. I roll my eyes. I slowly turn to her with a smile.

"Hey Ariana! How are you?" I force my teeth together as I say that.

"I'm great! How are you?" She's going to do something. Oh boy.

"Great!" I say with nervousness.

"Great. Can I get you some water?" I stay silent, wishing for her to go away.

"Never mind. I got some here!" She opens the water and pours it all over my hair and clothes.

"Enjoy!" What a witch. She got all my clothes and hair wet. I stay frozen with my mouth wide open. I suddenly feel a hand touch my back.

"Woah! You alright?" It's Edward. Thank God.

"Not really." I say with anger. Edward runs to grab some napkins. He grabs a lot. He starts to pat down my hair.

"Thanks for the help, Edward. But I can get it myself." I say.

"No. I'm going to stay here with you until you get dry." Aww. What a sweetheart. "Ariana is so mean to you. Why?"

She's just jealous. "I don't know. I guess I met the wrong person in sixth grade."

"Just know that I'm here for you. Don't listen to her. I'm here." He so sweet. He gets up to sit with his friends. He suddenly stops and turns around.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" He wants to sit with me? Oh my goodness.

"No! I don't!" He sits down next to me. My heart starts beating fast. Oh gosh. My hair is probably frizzy from the water. I try to comb it down with my fingers.

"Do you have a Halloween costume yet?" He asks.

"Of coarse I do. Do you?" He better be a super hero. He's probably not.

"Yeah. I'm gonna be a werewolf." That's totally a superhero.

"Cool. I'm gonna be Wonder Woman."

"That's awesome!" He is surprised with the costume idea.

"Do you want to come to my Halloween party this Friday?" Did he just ask me to come to his party? I'm freaking out!

"Yeah. I don't think I have plans." I hope I don't have plans. I NEED to go.

"Awesome. Wear your costume." And he wants me to wear my costume. How awesome is that? I guess today wasn't a disaster after all.


The Wednesday after that, Ariana and I had an "important" conversation. We were in biology class with Mr. Cawein. More like Mr. Cawiener. He is the worst teacher of all time. And it makes that class even better that Ariana sits next to me. Mr. Cawein starts to teach about Mitosis. I hate science.

"I saw that Edward talked to you yesterday after you got your water. Are you guys together?" Wow she's the girl version of Owen. Her and Owen would be perfect together. I don't answer to her.

"Hello? Are you guys together?" Shes so annoying, "oh, I know. You like him, but he's like totally out of your league, so he doesn't like you back." Shes such a witch.

"Can you shut up?" I say.

"I'm sorry, princess." Now she thinks I'm a spoiled brat. It's really the other way around. Maybe it's that she likes him, and she's just jealous that he might like me.

Why is Ariana so mean to me? I really don't know. I didn't do anything to her. I hope I didn't. Even if I did, I'd say that I was sorry. Maybe I can give her some revenge. Nah. I have Edward. At least for now.

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