Chapter 13

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About a week later after school starts, I barely got any sleep...again. I was walking down the crowded hall and Thomas bumped into me. I drop my books.

"Woah. Sorry about that." He says like he meant to run into me. then he walks away. I stay in silence, roll my eyes, and drop to the floor to pick up the books.

You're probably thinking that Edward is going to drop by and help me. Well if you were thinking that, you're wrong. What really happens, is he just passed by me in a blast. It looks like he was rushing to something. But my question is: Why did he run out the door?

I pick up my books and investigate. I walk up to the door, look out the window, and put my book down on the floor. I see Edward and - Oh my lord. He's with Ariana Sheats. Ariana is against the wall and Edward is in front of her, about one foot away. If you don't know, that's pretty close, but he standing that close only because she grabs his shirt, and not any other reason. I still watch in concern. I can't make the words they are saying. I lean against the door to open it to hear what their saying.

Ariana starts talking quietly, "I would love it if you stayed away from that Ashlyn girl. She's crazy if you didn't know. And you know what, you have a bigger chance with me!" Really! Edward and Ariana? BLA! That's not right. Ariana pushes Edward to the ground and he gets his shirt dirty.

"Stay away from her." She says dramatically. She walks away. I lean against the door a little bit more and watch her leave. She leaves around the corner and I fall while trying to lean against it even more. The door slams shut, and it locks.

"Ashlyn? Were you there the whole time?" He asks. Wow. He asks me if I heard the conversation, and not if I was ok or not. That's a first.

"" I say, trying to hide it but it's obvious that I was there. We both get up.

"I hate Ariana." He says.

"Me too. Who doesn't hate her?" I say, answering quickly.

"Let's see where she's going." He says. We walk up against the wall and tip toe up to the end. Ariana continues to walk towards the front of the school and she stops at a car. I don't see a driver, but Ariana starts to talk to someone. I see a small hand come out of the window. It looks like they hand her money. I wonder who that could be...

We turn to go into the school. I try to open the door, but it's locked.

"Dang it!" I say. We're so gonna be late. And it's health class too, so we're going to the same place. We sprint to the front of the school and open the door. Success! As soon as we walk in, the bell rings and no one are in the halls.

"We need to go!" Edward sprints to his locker and I sprint to get my books I left by the door.

"Rodger that!" I say. After that, I sprint back to the hall We came from and I head to class. I perfectly match up with Edward.

"Sorry that I passed you when you dropped your books." He says nervously.

"It's alright." I say back. I take in a breath like I'm about to say something. I was, but decided not to. Edward looked at me. I was going to ask about him and Ariana, but we just got to the health room. We were a whole minute and a half late. We quietly walk in and take our seats. Mr. Burris was on his computer and looked like he didn't see us. I hope he didn't.

"Don't act like I didn't see you. I already took attendance." Darn! Mr. Burris takes out some "Late To Class" slips. He rips two off and gives them both to Edward and I.

"Your parents need to sign this so they know you were late." Mr. Burris gives me a dirty look. As soon as he looks away, I roll my eyes. Daniel walks in. He has his good up.

"Mr. Freedman! My favorite," he says sarcastically, "why won't the three of you go to Mr. France's office! Since it seems like you were together." He hands Daniel a slip. Why was he late? Oh my lord. What if that was him in the car who gave Ariana the money. Why did he give her money?

Mr. Burris looks at me, "Now!" He yells. The three of us get up and leave class. Edward walks in between us.

"What's the situation for you guys?" He asks. We stay in silence. I was shocked that I was going to the principals office. I've never been there.

"Hello?" He yells at Edward specifically.

"We don't wanna talk about it right now." Edward saves me. Daniel is pretty angry.

"We're about to!" He says. We walk into the main office. We walk into Mr, France's office. He is sitting in his chair facing the other way.

"I've been expecting you three." He says as he spins around to face us.

"Close the door." He says. Oh gosh. This is gonna be bad. He leans forward and puts his hands together and his elbows on his desk.

"Do you guys know why you're here?" He asks us. He looks at each of us, and he looks pretty angry.

"We were late to class." Daniel finally steps up. R.I.P. Daniel.

"That's right." He leans back in his chair, making an annoying squeaking sound. He looks down at the three chairs we were supposed to be in.

"Have a seat." He lets out a hand in the direction of the chairs. We all slowly scoot to the chairs and sit.

"Can you guys tell me why you were so late? At least one of you?" He says. Silence. I was gonna sweat any second now.

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