Chapter 12

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Junior Year
This year, is my first year of prom, so it has to be good. The first day back from summer vacation was pleasing and cheerful. I didn't see Edward at all over the summer, so I'll probably be a little shy today. You know how it is with people you haven't talked to in awhile.

It turns out that Edward is in my health class. And his assign seat is right next to mine. Amazing!

"How was your summer?" He is talking to me. For the first time! He makes the charming smile, again. I miss it.

"It was great. How about yours?" I ask.

"It was the usual." He says. I'm sure what he meant to say was, 'Mine was great too.' Just thinking about that one time at his house. We were cuddled up on his couch. I felt so good on the inside! We should be dating now. But I'll wait for him to ask me out.

"Hey guys! How was everyone's summer?" Mr. Burris, the health teacher, walks into the room with a grin.

"Amazing." One guy in the back says in a sarcastic tone. His voice sounded familiar.

"Who was that?" Mr. Burris looks disappointed.

"Me, sir." A boy raises his hand confidentiality. Everyone looks back including me.

"What is your name?" Mr. Burris asks.

"Daniel Freedman." He says proudly. That's him? He's kind of cute. He has brown hair that's swooshed upward and to the right. He has the bluest eyes I've ever seen. That's the guy who was under that horse mask.

"Ok sir. I'll be sure to notify the principal you were late to class." He's tricking him.

"What?" He questions.

"I'm just joking with you." Told you. "Hey class! I am Mr. Burris, and I am your health teacher." This was going to be a long year.

Mr. Burris talks about the same as Mrs. Schaffer and Mr. Bridges did when I was a freshman.

At the end of that class, we clogged the doorway. How does that happen? I really don't know. People were just standing there.

"MOVE PEOPLE!" Daniel screams in my ear. But he has a good reason.

"Oh hey! Are you that girl I met at Edwards Halloween party?" Wow. How does he recognize me?

"I think so. Were you the guy in the horse mask?"

"Yeah," He says, "cool." He winks at me. I'm not sure if I like him, but I make an awkward smile. We split and I head to my locker. I open it and Aria comes from behind me.

"Boo!" She scares me.

"AHH!" I scream and look to see it was Aria.

"Got you!" She says. She is dying in laughter. I roll my eyes, then laugh.

"Watcha doing on Saturday." She asks.

"Oh. Nothi-"

"Do you have plans with your boyfriend, Edward?" She asks in an annoying high-pitched voice.

"Stop it." I say and slap her arm. She makes kissing sounds, and laughs.

"Stop! Don't be too loud!" I whisper loudly. She continues with the sounds. She stops when I give her the death stare. I only give it to her when I am about to threaten her or something. She looks down with regret.

"Hey you!" Oh god. It was Reagan.

"Get out of here ya nerd!" She swats Aria away. Aria obeys and waddles away.

"I've seen you with Edward." She uses get binchy voice.

"Listen, uhh. Stay away from him. He doesn't belong to you," What a binch, "And if you were planning on having a relationship with him. You might want to back off. He's not the sweet heart you think he is."

She gives a smile that makes me wanna punch her in the face. "Have a nice day!" She walks away like she rules the world, and I roll my eyes. I hate people like that.

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