Chapter 6

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I knock on the nurses office door. She opens the door and sees Edwards bloody nose.

"Come sit," she says, "I'll be with you in a bit." I guide Edward to one of the beds.

"Get off me!" He gets mad, "I don't need your help! I'm fine!"

"Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" I hope I wasn't getting too close to him. I didn't want him to fall or anything.

"No." He answers, "it wasn't you."

"Edward," I say, " I don't understand. Please tell me."

"It was Owen." He said.

"What?" I ask.

"He was talking about how much Raegan loves him, and that she didn't like me at all. He was saying that I will never find the one." He is about to cry.

"You will find someone," I say, "I know you will." I awkwardly tap his shoulder, and stare at the floor, remembering that I like him.

"I got mad and started punching him, but he was too strong and pushed me back. I fell to the ground while he was over top of me, punching. And now I'm here." I felt bad about it. I didn't say anything.

The nurse walked in and gave Edward some tissues to stop the bleeding. I sat up on the bed to sit next to him, patting his back. Blood to flow down his face, I grab more tissues and hold them under his nose.

The bleeding stops and I grab more tissues to wipe his face.

"Your skin is a little stained red, but it will come off after a shower." I tell him.

"Thanks." He says. "For everything." He gives the charming smile, and I smile back.

"Hey, do you want to come to my basketball game on Friday night?" He asks. Now that I know he plays basketball.

"Totally." I say. Now I'm excited. That'll be cool to see him play a sport.

"I got my license, so I could drive you." Even better.

"Coolsome," I say, then making a confused face, "I was going to say cool, but then awesome, and it came out like that." Edward laughs. Yup, that's what happens to me when I get nervous.


That Friday morning, I realized I didn't get any sleep. I went to bed at 1:00 am. And I wake up at 5:30 am everyday. So I got about four hours of sleep. I was slouching everywhere I walked, and could barely open my eyes. I tried doing my mascara, but I kept messing up, because the dim light was too bright for me. And I open my eyes wide when I do mascara. I slowly went down the stairs. I almost fell, I'm an idiot. I made my normal breakfast, and put on my Nike shoes. I zip up my blue jacket, and head out the door. I hate that I have to take the bus. The annoying sixth graders annoy me all the time. I'll get my license in a few months. Then it would be over. Probably. Hopefully.

I walked onto the bus and Edward wasn't there. He must now drive himself to school. He's so much older than me, and now I realize it. He's probably popular since he's on the basketball team. So I realize that he is out of my league. I have no chance with him.

I couldn't keep my eyes open in math class. I eventually fall asleep, and I didn't mean to. I dreamed about something, but I forget.

BAM! I woke up to Mrs. Alexander slamming books on my desk to wake me up. I startled myself and jump up.

"No sleeping in this class." She looks furious with me. Everyone is laughing. How embarrassing. It would've been worse if I said back Leave me alone. I'm trying to sleep here. I would only say that if I wasn't shy, at least not shy around teachers.

After class, we pack our things and I go to talk to Edward. I tap on his shoulder, and he turns.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey!" He says. "You ok? You look tired."

"I just got about four hours of sleep last night! No biggy!" I say sarcastically.

"Woah. How did that happen?" He speaks again.

"I don't know. I guess I was thinking about too much stuff, and it distracted me."

"Wow. You're one of a kind." He says.

"Thanks?" I don't know how to respond.

"See ya later alligator!"

"After awhile crocodile!" I wave and watch him leave. How pleasant was that? We just talk more and more.

The last period of the day is study hall, which I conveniently I have with Edward. I was excited for the game. I love basketball, and now I like it even more. I sat next to Edward.

He taps on my desk and gives me a post-it note. It said: Meet me at my locker after class. The game is at 7:00 pm, but I'd like to hang out after school. I smile at him and write down on the back, saying: Cool. That's all I said. I quietly giggled and handed him the post-it note.

He gave me another charming smile and a thumbs up. I did the same, except the charming smile, because that's weird.

The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat. I walked to my locker to get my stuff together. I rush myself and mall walk to Edwards locker. He's there waiting for me while on his phone. He look up and smiles.

"Hey," He says, "oh shoot! I forgot my uniform!" He starts to run down to the locker room. I follow. I wait by the entrance, while he grabs his stuff.

I text my friends, Radrika and Aria, in a group chat. I said:

He's grabbing his uniform! And he's gonna drive me to his house!

I see that they read it. Aria sends a text back saying:

Ok. What are you guys gonna do? ;)

She puts a winking face next to it. That's Aria for you! Radrika says:

Please tell me about this later!

Radrika just wants to know everything. Edward walks out and I immediately turn off my phone. Edward looks at me and tilts his head in the direction we go. We walk side by side and get to his car. He had a nice red Jeep. It looked new. We put our book bags in the back, and I sat in the passenger.

"You want me to turn on the radio?" He asks.

"Oh yeah!" I say. This is gonna be a fun ride.

The Day We MetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora