Chapter 25

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That day after school, I walk down to the art room, which was where the thingy was. You know, what Mr. France said on the announcements. About the raising money thing.

I walk into the art room and there are like seven people in there. I see Edward. Oh god. He's coming over here.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey." I say back and I look down at the floor.

"I'm sorry for whatever I said to make you," he pauses, "you know. Run off."

"It's alright." I say. I walk away and see a poster that has all of the information on it. It says that we need to make food and sell to raise money for cancer. We need to sell them at lunch and we need to have a partner for it.

"I was thinking maybe you could be my partner?" He asks with a smirk. I look around to see anyone else that I knew. Anyone? I kind of don't want to be partners with this guy. I look up at Edward and smile.

"Sure." I say. With a little regret.

"Since we are partners, what do you want to make?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"Don't just be silent. Talk to me." He demands.

"Okay," I start, "I don't know." I says as I shrug my shoulders once again.

"Alright," He says with a smile, "I'll give you some choices. Pick either cupcakes, muffins, brownies, or any other ideas." Wow. That's so nice. He's giving me choices!

"I'll pick the cupcakes," I say, "those are always delicious."

"Hey, babe!" Haylee walks in. Babe? Really? She's calling him babe now? She jumps on Edward, wraps her legs around his legs, and kisses him on the lips. I roll my eyes and say in my head, get a room!!!

Haylee gets off of Edward and turns and looks at me.

"Oh," She says, "you." BINCH!!! Why does Edward like her anyways?

"Hey Edward?" She runs her fingers through his pale golden hair, "is it okay if I work with you?" She says in a slutty tone. She looks at me as she says it.

"I don't mind!" Edward says, "but is it ok if Ashlyn works with us?"

"Oh," She still stares at me, "anything for you, babe."

"Cool!" I say with some thumbs up. OH MY GOD!!! Really? I mean, I'll just be the third wheel. This is so dumb. Where are the other people I know at?

"We're making cupcakes. Is that alright?" He says like he's talking to a baby.

"That's awesome." Haylee says. I'd be yelling at them right now to get a room, and stop loving on each other in the public, but there are others here.

"We all need to meet up at someone's house whenever this occurs." Haylee says.

"We can do it at my house." I volunteer. My house is pretty good when it comes to cooking and baking.

"Ok. But we're gonna need your address." She says.

"I'll drive you there." Edward tells her.

"You know where she lives?" Haylee gets a little jealous.

"Yeah." He says confidently.

"But you don't even know where I live. And you know where she lives?!" She changes her voice from a "baby" voice to a "you're gonna be single" voice.

"I've known her longer." He stays calm.

"I thought you liked me!" She walks out of the room and Edward stays put. Awkward!

"She won't be gone long." He says like it has happened millions of times. She could also be on her period, because that's what happens.


A few days later, Aria, Radrika and I went to school, and I walk into Mr. Ferry's class. I saw Ariana in my class, which she's not in my class, she switched classes because Thomas must've told on her or something. If you don't remember, Ariana made me slam my head against the wall on the first day of school. Anyway, she is talking to this guy with his hood on. Actually, I don't know what the gender is. Not seeing the hair and face makes a difference. He seems kind of suspicious. Now I know why you can't have your hood up in school. I sit in my seat, behind Thomas, and ease drop on their conversation.

"So now what will we do to stop her?" Ariana asks the person in the hood.

"Just keep and eye on Mr. Mace." The hoody persons voice sounds...intriguing. It sounded like a woman. Wait...Mace? That's Edwards last name!

"I'll need you to take your hood off, Miss Rillington." Mr. Ferry says. Rillington? That name sounds familiar. "And you need to go to your correct class, Miss Sheats."

"Fine." They both say with groans. Ariana leaves with her head looking down.

The person in the hood removes their hood. Wow. Wasn't expecting that. That's different. It turns out it is...a girl. It turns out it is Emma Rillington. She lives across the street from me. She doesn't come out much. But she looks different. When did she dye her hair? The real question is: when did she hit puberty? Just last year, she had a flat chest! Now look at her! Is that a lip piercing?

My eyes widened as she took off the hood, and she looks over at me. As soon as she gives me this horrible look, I turn and face the front and fix my posture. Thomas walks in.

"What's up?" He asks as he sits down in the chair, almost falling over.

"Um...the ceiling," I quickly speak in a "someone's going to kill me" voice, "be careful! She will get you!" He looks at me with a confused face.

"Huh?" He says.

"Just face forward!" I say. He doesn't.

"What's going on?" He's onto me. I fix my posture, it was already good, but I got tired.

"Okay, okay," I start, "you know Emma Rillington?" I asks him.

"Yeah. She's in this class." He says and looks over. He waves.

"No! Stop!" I say as I grab his chin to turn his head to face me again. "She's evil!"

"No she's not!" He says.

"She is too! She and Ariana help each other to stop Edward and I from getting closer." I pause, realizing that Thomas will know I like Edward if I stop there. "From getting closer as friends!" I smile and he cocks a eyebrow.

"Okay..." he says as he slowly turns around in his seat. I sigh and hope he doesn't even think I love-I Edward.

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