Chapter 8

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Of course. OF COURSE. I have to eat dinner with him and his family. This is gonna be terrible.

"Hey guys! We're having macaroni and cheese." His Mom said. Phew! I thought we were gonna have steak or something. Now I'm excited. But I got to tell myself to not eat like a pig, especially in front of his parents. I have to contain myself from the mac & cheese.

We sit down at the table and serve ourselves. I tried to take a reasonable amount. I passed the bowl down to Edward. I sat beside him and across from his mom. Beside her, was Edwards dad. Then Edwards brother sat at the end next to him. We all started eating.

"I'm sorry, what your name again?" His Mom asks.

"Ashlyn Davis." I politely say.

"I like that name." She says with a grin.

"Thanks!" I say. I enjoy the positivity, but I felt awkward. It's weird and awkward talking to someone that you just met and that is older.

"Are you ready for your game, Edward?" His dad asks him.

"Yeah. We were just practicing outside." He says.

"We?" His father probably doesn't like me, considering the tone he used.

"Ashlyn and I were." Edward points to me, and I wave. His father waves back then immediately looks at his food.

We finish the food. I didn't know where to put my dishes.

"I'll take that Ashlyn." Mrs. Mace says.

"Thanks." I say. It's about 6:15 now.

"I'm gonna go get ready. Follow me Ashlyn." Edward says. I follow. We walk up the stairs and into his room. He opens up his book bag and pulls out his jersey. I viewed the back. It said Mace then 21. He's number twenty one. Awesome.

"You can't stay in here when I change." I guess he's self conscious. He doesn't want me so see abs that he probably has. I walk out the door, and close it.

About a minute and a half later, he opens the door. He's so cute in his uniform!

"Wow! Fancy!" I look at him from head to toe.

"Sweet!" He gets all pumped up for the game. We both walk down the stairs.

"You ready?" Mrs. Mace asks.

"Wait! We need the black eye stuff!" Edward grabs a small lipstick-shaped container. He puts some of it under his eyes. He goes around and puts it under everyone else's eyes. He puts them under mine, and now I'm completely ready. Edward and I go in his Jeep and start driving to the school. I look out the window and it starts to rain.

"I have an umbrella, don't worry." He says. Good. Now my hair won't get frizzy from the rain. We arrive at the school and Edward grabs the umbrella. He hands it to me.

"You can have it too." I say. His black eye stuff can't come off.

"Open it and walk around the car." I do. He walks out of the car, holds the umbrella, and locks the car. We huddle together to stay warm and run towards the enternece. We walk in te school and we hear the other players practicing. Edward closes the umbrella and hands it to me. We walk into the gym and we sit down on the bleachers. A man with a whistle walks up to us, I'm assuming it's the coach.

"Get up. We need to practice." Edward gets up and turns to me. I raise my hand to give him a high five. He swings his hand to get the perfect hit. He holds my hand, then releases. He's so darn cute! I sit there alone for almost 15 minutes, then the game starts. A random guy sits next to me.

"Can I help you?" I ask. He looks familiar.

"You were that girl that took Edward to the nurse, right? He's such a baby!" It's Owen.

"You're a jerk," he's going to pull my last straw, "why can't you just be nice? He didn't do anything wrong. Back off!"

"Woah! Settle down," he uses a tone that makes me think of an evil character from any movie, "all I did was punch him. He fell on the ground like a little baby!"

"Shut up!" I raise my tone, "he's a kind and sweet boy, why do you treat him like that?"

"Are you his girlfriend or something?" He asks, "That can't be right, he wouldn't have a girlfriend. Do you like him?" My mind fills with anger. I raise my hand and slap his malicious face. He makes an enraged expression, making me instantly regret what I just did.

"You're lame! I'm outta here!" He looks like he's about to cry. He walks to the other side of the bleachers, holding his cheek. I decide to start actually watch the game. They were playing Carmel High School. What a weird name, am I right? A girl from our school sings The Star Spangled Banner. We all put our hands on our hearts and look at the giant American flag on the wall. Then we all clap and cheer for that girl.

Edward was playing forward. The referee tossed the ball in the air, and Edward grabbed the ball while in mid-air. He landed and passed it to number 73. Then number 73 took it up and dunked a 2-pointer! I clapped and cheered. The other team grabbed the ball and they scored a 2-pointer, but Edward steals the ball and dribbles the ball up to the 3-pointer line. He dodges all the players, he's so good! He throws the ball towards the net, he missed and it bounces off the ring, but he ran right back up to it and dunked it in.

About 30 minutes after the game started, the score was 27 - 27. We are tied.

Thirty seconds on the clock. Everyone is sweating, and there are shoes squeaking. Carmel was getting tough, and shoving people on Florian. The referee doesn't do anything about it. Edward gets pushed down, but he gets back up. He smiles at me and jogs up to the action. I smile back.

Fifteen seconds. Edward swipes the ball away from number 24 on the other team.

Ten seconds. Edward goes up to score one more time. I am biting my nails at this point.

Five seconds. He goes up for a three. He releases.

Three. Two. One. SCORE! The horn rings and I jump in delight. I'm clapping and screaming. Florian High won against Carmel with 30 - 27! Edward scored the winning point! The whole team comes together and lifts up Edward in the air. Edward lifts his fists in the air and looks at me, and I cheer some more. Carmel walks away with sadness, realizing that they can't compete in the championship anymore.

The team puts Edward down and he runs over to me. I put my arms out for a hug, and he raced into them. Oh gosh. He smells.

"I did it! We won!" He says as he grabs my hands and we spins me around.

"You did!" I say in delight. We hug once more and head out to the car. It was around 8:30 pm, and it wasn't raining anymore.

Owen stops us and says, "Good job tonight, Edward." Edward and I look at each other in confusion.

"You did good," is really being nice now? "But stop flirting with her." Never mind. He laughs and walks away.

"Sorry about him." Edward says.

"I'm used to it already." I use that as an excuse. We go into the car and drive home.

"What were you saying to Owen right before the game? I saw you slapped him." He asks. I feel my face blush, but I'm lucky enough that it's dark outside.

Should I tell him? Should I tell him the truth about my feelings towards him? Nah. That'll just make it awkward.

"Nothing. He's just being stupid," I pause, "again."

"Yeah. I hate people like that. The people that just say negative things all the time, you know?" I agree and nod my head. He drives up to my house to drop me off.

"I had a lot of fun tonight. That was an awesome game." I say.

"Well I'm glad you came." He smiles again. I open the door and walk out. I close the door and wave goodbye. He waves back, then drives off.

I wish he could stay.

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