Chapter 3

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One month later...

I am in a car, and I look out a window. It looks like it's around 7:30 pm. It came to my thought, saying it was a Saturday night. It was also raining, I had a rain coat on my lap. I was looking out the window watching trees go by. Finally, I walked out the car I was in and put the rain coat over my head. I ran inside a building, and realized I was in a dress. There were lots of people everywhere. I saw several people that go to my school. Maybe this is homecoming?

I walk through some doors, with a feeling of excitement. I don't realize where I am. I would assume this is a dream. There was music, and it looked like I walked into a gym of a school. Suddenly, I look to my right, and there was Edward. It looked like he was waiting for me. He makes the charming smile he has always given me, and hands me a beautiful flower. He grabs my hand and we walk to the middle of the dance floor. A song came on and we started dancing. He put his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We were swaying, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I closed my eyes and rested my forehead on his.

When the song got to the chorus, he spun me around, and I felt like we were meant to be. I looked into his lovely green eyes, and he looked into mine. I felt the love. He pulled me closer, and he went for a kiss and...


I was in my room, and I woke up from my alarm to go to school for my second day. It was a dream. I was sad about that. I got up and dressed in a similar outfit than what I wore the day before. I wore a navy blue shirt with white stripes. What's my deal with stripes, right? I put on black leggings, which the shirt was barely following the dress code. I walked down the stairs and made the same breakfast. The Frosted Flakes. So good.

At 6:20, I head out to the bus stop. I walked on and I saw Edward. He is literally the cutest human being I've ever seen. But it's kind of awkward because of the dream I had the night before.

"Good morning Ashlyn." He kindly says.

"Good morning!" I say back. I give him a high five and go back in my seat. I realize how tired I was, so I fell asleep.

I suddenly wake up, and Radrika and Aria were already on. I overhear Edward talking to his friends.

"Who is it?" One of them asks him.

"I'm not telling." Edward says it like he's embarrassed. But what could he be embarrassed about?

"Does her last name start with..." the lingering of what he was going to say was making me anxious.

"Does it start with a 'D'?" He asks.

"Yes." Edward answers. Oh my lord. My last name starts with a "D". Ashlyn Davis. I don't even know what they're talking about.

"Just tell us who is it!" The same one keeps talking. "Who is your crush?" My heart started beating fast. I could feel it wanting to leave my body - if that doesn't sound weird.

Then I realized. Edward's crush? Probably. Cause his annoying friend keeps asking questions.

"Does she have 5th period lunch?" He asks again. My heart is skipping beats.

"Yes." Edward says.

"Is she on this bus?"


"Right now?"


"Is it Ashlyn Davis?" O to the M to the G! What the flippin' chicken! They are talking about me! Edward better say something nice.

"Maybe." Edward says. His friends start freaking out. Ohhhhhh Edward! I'm freaking out too. I guess I like him too. I just pretend to sleep from that point on for the rest of the ride.

When it was time to get off, I put in ear buds so Edward could think I was listening to music the whole time. I tried not to look at him, because I know I would probably make a weird face. I hope me didn't think I was mad, or anything.

When we got to second period, Mr. Bridges assigned seats. Yes, after being in school for a month, he assigns seats for the first time. We gave him notecards with who we want to sit with. We have them to him on the third day of school. I can tell Mr. Bridges is pretty slow sometimes. You can probably guess who I'm sitting next to. Radrika and Aria. We are sitting at a table of three. How awesome it that? The only problem is that I'm facing the direct opposite of the board, so I would have to almost break my back when we're writing notes. Unless he lets me turn my desk around. But to the table next to ours, was Edward and his friends.

His friend bends over and says, "Hey, I know you now." What? I gave him a weird look as he smiles at me.

"I'm Thomas Jude." He stick out his hand for a shake. I don't do anything.

"Oh. You don't do high fives?" He goes for a high five.

"Fist bump?" Ok, I had to do it there. I go for it. He does one of those bomb things, and spits everywhere. He goes and faces the rest of his table. I slowly turn my head towards Radrika and Aria. They both start to die in laughter. I slowly start to smile, which then slowly turned into a laugh, then an obnoxious laugh.

The rest of the day went well, and I got a lot of math homework, because we were goofing off too much. I was up till 9:00 pm doing that. I laid in my bed thinking about Edwards conversation. I thought it didn't matter anymore. I was probably not even hearing it right. He was probably talking about someone else.

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