Chapter 33

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Later, during first lunch, I start selling the cupcakes with Edward and "little miss perfect". Why am I so jealous? I should just forget about them. Yeah! Especially Edward. Maybe I should go out with Thomas and see what Edward thinks! Nope. I already did that. And it was a bad experience. So let's not do that again. Hmmm...what else can I use Thomas for? Thinking...thinking...oh! I know!

"Can I have a shit?" Yes. You can have a shit. This random guy, probably a junior, comes up to our stand.

"Um..." Haylee says. Edward and I slowly turn our heads and look at her. "Sure. That'll be $2.00."

"Cool!" The guy says. The entire time of exchanging the money and cupcake, I just stare into space a wonder why I made "poop" emoji cupcakes. I should've know someone was going to say something about shit. This is a high school for crying out loud! I forgot people were still immature.

The guy receives his cupcake and walks back to his table. He stares at his friends. Then he walks to the other side of the cafeteria and throws it into the trash can. Why would you buy a cupcake and not eat it? Oh...I see. He might know someone with cancer. So he bought the cupcake, but it turns out he has diabetes, so he throws the "diabetes inflated" cakes away. He could've just donated. Oh well. It already happened. It's his fault for spending $2.00 on a cupcake and not eating it. Wait...never mind. His friend got up and took it out of the trash can. That's pleasant...not. I'm gonna throw up.

"That's a good disgusted face." Edward whispers. I freeze and look up at him.

"Did you see him?" I say, "that's disgusting!" I point and he nods.

"Yup. This is high school." He says with a laugh. I laugh with him. I turn forward and continue serving the line of people. A whole table of students get up and come up to our stand. One of them is Daniel. They all cut in line.

"We'd all like cupcakes, please." He said. How polite.

"Sorry, but you have to wait." I say, politely.

"End of the line, fool!" Haylee says with an annoyed tone."

"Ok, fine." Daniel says, and all of them move to the back of the line.

"Crazy right." Guess who was next in line. Thomas. "People just wanna suck on your cupcakes!" He says as he takes out his wallet. He pulls out a $5.00. "Two, please."

"Ok." I grab the $5.00 and give him a $1.00. Edward grabs two and hands them to Thomas.

"Thanks." He says and turns around and goes back to his seat.

"You're welcome." I say. We serve probably about 10-15 people before Daniel and his group comes back.

"We'd all like some cakes, please." He says politely.

"Ok. That'll be..." I start counting everyone and multiply by two to get how much money. "$10.00." I'm good at math, but I honestly don't like it. I felt like I was surrounded by idiots in middle school. God, I felt like an idiot. I thought that's where I core math. CORE!!! All five of the boys hand me $2.00 dollars each. I put the money in the cash register, and Edward gives the poop-er-i-fic cupcakes to them.

"Thanks." Only Daniel says. They all stare at us, them walk back to our table. They set the cupcakes in front of them at the table. That's weird. Omg my god. They're not eating them! No! Why do people do this? Is it because people are too scared to eat shit? Oh wait...

At the end of the lunch period, we start packing up. We sold 35 cupcakes. That's probably about a sixth of what we have. The three of us are packing up, and everyone leaves to their next class. I look up and the five guys from earlier come back up to our table.

"Hey!" Edward yells, later. "You don't do that!" If you didn't guess, I have brown chocolate frosting all over my face and hair. They each smashed it into my face in a line. Great, right? They laugh and run off. I look over and one of them is Emma. Emma Rillington. She looks back and keeps smiling and running.

"Let's go, hon." Haylee says and grabs his arm. Please don't tell me he's gonna leave me like this!

"Don't go." Oh gosh. It just slipped out. I'm sorry! Take it back! I stare at him and feel my heart sink down towards my feet. I read his lips. They say, I'm sorry. Haylee pulls him away and they leave. I was left alone in the cafeteria. I could hear other students from other hallways talking. Having a conversation as I stand alone. I gotta go wash this off. I quickly run into the bathroom and put my hair up. I use my hair tie that was on my wrist, which isn't usually there. I don't mind the frosting in my hair. There wasn't even enough to smear it all over. I turn on the sink and start rubbing my face. I use my finger and slide it down from my hairline.

"Those stupid immature assfaces." I quietly say as I stare into the mirror. I continue to scrape off the frosting, but it stains my face brown. I start to scrape vigorously, but nothing. I hold my breath and pull on my face. I start breathing again, out of breath, and starting to tear up. I feel my heart pumping, and hear it in my ears. I bend over and put my head on the sink, and turn it off.

I stare into the drain and say, "there's no use." I sniff.

"What's no use?" I quickly get up and act like nothing happened - like that'll help. It's Emma. Laying against the wall. "Ohhh..." She says. "You gotta little somethin'" She says and point all over her face. "There." Rude. "Doesn't look to good, Davis," you made me look like this! "Edward wouldn't find that attractive. I mean, just so you know."

"Excuse me?" I say. How would she know about this? Oh! Because it's obvious.

"You do like him, right?" She asks.


"Cause if you do, then you got some competition." She pauses and looks at her nails. "With his girlfriend." I know. I've been the third wheel. "Have you seen them kiss? Aww. They're so cute together! Well, you guys would too, but you know." She gets off the wall and starts to walk around. I scrunch my eyebrows together. She looks at the wall and pretends she doesn't see me. She purposely falls over on me and pushes me over onto the floor.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" She says and puts her hands over her heart. "I really didn't mean that." She says that whole thing in sarcasm. "See ya later, Davis." She walks out, with what I can sense, a smirk on her face.

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