Chapter 16

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Edward and I walk into the festival.

"We should do this one." I point to one of those games with the squirt gun and you shoot the target.

"Oh yeah!" Edward says and we walk up to the booth. Luckily, all the games are free, so we can play as many times as we want. I grab one of the squirt guns and Edward grabs one too.

"3," the man at the booth stars counting down until we go, "2," I'm super ready, LET'S DO THIS, "1, go!" We both start shooting at the targets. I randomly shoot the target, I don't know about Edward, but I'm not really trying. I'm getting some targets down though. After ten seconds of just randomly shooting, I finally stop and actually aim. Of course I don't do as good. I go back to shooting randomly, and still fail. Finally, the timer goes off and we stop shooting. I look at the score and Edward beat me by 100 points!

"It looks like the man in the red sweatshirt won!" The man at the booth says. I clap for Edward and he receives a small stuffed penguin. Not real, obviously. We both walk from the booth and I stare at Edward as he holds the penguin. We stop and he turns to me.

"For you, my good madam" He says with a 19th century English man voice. He hands me the penguin.

I take it. "Thank you kind sir," I say in my 19th century lady voice, "I shall keep this in my room." We both look at each other and laugh and - oh my lord. Daniel is here.

"What's up, love birds!" He asked a question, but said it like a statement. I roll my eyes. Daniel runs over and comes in between us. He rests his elbows on our shoulders. I make a discussed daily face.

"How are you guys doing?" He asks. No one says anything. He takes his elbows off our shoulders, and walks backwards in front of us.

"Are you guys together, or something?" He gasps, "Is this a date?" I look down at the floor, then at Edward. He looks at me and gives a dirty look at Daniel.

"Why won't you just go away. You're bothering us." Edward brushes him off. We stop walking.

"Well I was just wondering," He uses a low pitched annoying voice, "I'm sorry." He walks to pass us both and purposely runs into me. I drop my penguin. No! Not the penguin! I quickly bend down and pick it up.

"Let's go." Edward says. He starts walking and I follow. I walk faster so I could catch up to his side. I do and look at him. He looks angry. I can see why. Daniel is such an idiot. I swear he's going to ruin everything.

Edward and I walk up to another mini game. In this one, you had a slingshot and you had to hit a target, again. As I said before, everything is free. So if I lose again, I can do a rematch. Edward and I both grab a slingshot and I look at him with my competitive face. My gives me his competitive face. I don't know why this is exciting. I'm just playing a slingshot game. We pull back on the rubber band with the ball and got ready for the guy so say "go!"

"5," he starts to countdown, "4, 3, 2, 1, go!" There's the "go!" I let go of the rubber band and the ball goes flying towards the target. I grab another ball quickly and load it. I let go a second time and I get a bullseye. Edward opens his mouth wide, showing that he's impressed. I raise one eyebrow and continue to shoot.

I somehow drop my catapult and I fall behind. Edward scores at least two more times. Clumsy fool, I am. I quickly get my stuff together, I am struggling to do so. We have five seconds left of the game. The guy starts to count down. I grab a ball and shoot, and grab another and shoot. Timer runs out.

"Hands in the air!" The man at the booth says, "like you just don't care!" We put them up, like he said. He picks up every ball and returns them to the slots.

"I counted 25 points for you, miss," He points to me, "and 20 points for you, mister." I won! No rematch for this game.

"I don't have any prizes, but you can take me saying 'congrats.'" I surely can. His voice is so calming and innocent. We both leave the booth, and move on to something else.

"You wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" Edward asks me.

"Sure!" I say. I've never been on one, but this'll be fun. We both get in line. We wait a few minutes to get on. That wait wasn't very long. We must have joined the line just in time. We got our own. Sweet! The wheel started moving up one by one for each couple or group to get on. I look over at the sunset and it's beautiful! So many colors! Awesome.

"Wow," Edward says, "the sky's beautiful tonight." I totally agree.

"Yeah," I say, "it really is." I lay my head on his shoulder, then he puts his arm around me. Oh my goodness! I literally love him! Oh my god. I'm in love! I need to tell him. But I can't just randomly say it. What if he doesn't love me back? He's got to. He's putting his arm around me.

I stare into the sunset then close my eyes for a bit. We get to the very top and I open my eyes. There's a perfect color of pink around the sun and you can see it going behind the horizon. We start to go back down. I close my eyes again.

We get off and start to leave. I want to go in and hold his hand, but I hesitate and not do it.

"You wanna go to one of those drive-in movies?" He asks.

"Cool!" I say. "I mean, yeah!" It's only 8:00, so might as well go.

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