Chapter 11

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Later at the party, around 8:00 pm, we all were sitting down playing a game. The game was called Spoons. It's where you have some cards and try to match 3 or 5 cards, and when you do, you have to grab a spoon from the middle. And if you see someone take a spoon, you have to take one even if you don't have 5 of the same cards.

I was looking for the 7 of spades. I got 3 of them. I was the first. I slowly reached down to grab a spoon. No one noticed. We kept going in with the game. Then Daniel grabbed a spoon. No one noticed that either. Aria grabbed a spoon, then some other people grabbed spoons, but I don't know their names. Edward and Thomas fought for the last one. The werewolf versus the vampire. How funny. Just like Twilight. Except there's no "Bella." If only Edward was the vampire. That would be even better. The only difference between the situation and Twilight, was that the werewolf won. Thomas lost the game.

After a few rounds, one person got eliminated. The last three were Daniel, Edward, and I. We were passing the cards around and I see Edward take a spoon. Daniel doesn't notice, so I take the other. Daniel still doesn't notice.

"It was a bad idea to wear that." I say.

"Why?" He asks. He acts likes he's completely able to see.

"Because you didn't notice that you're out." Edward says.

"Awww man!" He throws the cards on the floor and gets up. It was now a face off between me and Edward. We started passing cards to each other. This time I'm looking for the 10 of hearts. The anticipation of who will win is killing me. My heart is beating so fast. I start to make high pitched noises after I get another, and another. I have three. I hesitate to grab a spoon. I look up at Edward and he looks at me. He shows me his cards. He gives me an evil look saying, "Goodbye Ashlyn." He has three of the 4 of spades. I quickly go for the spoon and he does too. We both have our hands on the spoon. I pull with all my might, and so does he. I finally pull the spoon out of his hand and we both fall backwards. I hit my head on the couch really hard. People start to clap for me.

I put my hand on the back of my head and let out a big, "Owe!" Edward sits up and looks at me.

"You alright?" He asks.

"I'm perfectly fine." I say. I really wasn't.


After the party, everyone left and I decided to help Edward clean up. Aria left me with no car to take me home. Oh well. Edward is nice enough to drive me home, right? I won't push him. I'll walk home if I have to. I helped throw away all the trash people left out. Most of it was probably Aria's.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Edward asks me.

"Yeah. I was impressed with all the costumes." I say, thinking of Daniel's. I laugh.

Edward looks at me, smiles, and laughs. "What?"

"That Daniel kids costume. It makes me laugh every time I think about it." I laugh even more.

"Oh yeah. He's crazy." Edward says. We both laugh. Edward starts washing the dishes, while I wipe down tables. I even set up the table.

"Wow! Nice job!" He says.

"Thanks!" I tried my best to make it clean. I got to impress him.

"You wanna stay a little longer and watch a movie or something?" Oh my lord! Did he just ask me to stay and watch a movie? I'm freaking out.

"Sure. Why not?" There. I said it. I agreed to stay with him. We walk over into the living room.

"What's your style for movies?" He asks.

"I like action, adventure, comedy," I love love stories, but I thought that Edward would like those.

"I got some comedies." Oh boy. They better be good. "I got Shrek." Oh my lord! That is my favorite movie!

"Yes! Do it!" I say. Shrek might seem like a kids movie to you, but I love it and you can't judge my opinions.

Edward puts the disc into the DVD player. I sit down on the couch. He grabs the remote and places it next to me.

"You want a blanket?" He asks me.

"Sure." I say. He grabs a big white blanket that is perfect for fitting two. He throws it at me and I spread it out. He lays down on the couch right next to me. I'm so glad I said yes to stay longer. Would this be considered a date? I don't know. I'd consider it a date. I don't know about him.

About halfway into the movie, I slowly rest my head on his shoulder, then he rests his on my head. Oh my goodness! We're cuddling on the couch! Score!

At the end of the movie, Edward lifts his head, then I raise mine. We both clap for the ending.

"Yay!" I quietly say. It was now 10:00.

"Oh crap! I need to get home! It's late!" This is the part where Edward offers to drive me home.

"I can drive you home." Knew it. I kind of wanted him to get sleep, but I needed to get home.

"Really? I'm sure Aria is still up. I want you to get your sleep."I explain.

"But she could be sleeping. We don't want to risk it. And I'm fine. I don't have any games tomorrow." He's right. Aria might be sleeping. Although I know her for staying awake until 1:00 am. I make sure that I have everything I have to go home. We both go into his car, and he starts the engine.

I'm so tired. I'd like to fall asleep, but as soon as I do I'll have to wake up to go inside. I look out the window and I can't help myself from closing my eyes. As long as I don't fall asleep we're good.

I open my eyes after riding over the bump to the driveway.

"We're here." He gives me that look saying Don't leave me!

I look at him in the eyes and say, "I need to show you something." We get out of the car and go into my backyard. We climb up the stairs to my second floor deck. We climb over the fence and into the roof. I lay down and look up at the stars.

"Really?" He asks, probably thinking that we shouldn't.

"Yup," I say, "come on." He hops over the fence and lays next to me. We look up at the stars and put our hands behind our heads.

"Ashlyn?" Edwards asks.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Our relationship is going to stay like this, right?" What does he mean? I don't know.

"I don't understand what you're trying to say." I say.

"What I mean is that our relationship needs to stay like this. It can't go wrong. And it shouldn't." He's right. This is going to be one of those relationships where it NEVER goes wrong.

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