Folby & celby

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Today I was in science sitting next to faith and syd like normal me and Faith was talking about Colby and how much he is so hot and how nice his eyes are blue like the ocean. Faith was trying to think of a nickname with her name and Colbys name put together after 10 minutes she thought of folby. I started to get really jealous so on a piece of paper I wrote celbe,eoble but none of them made sense until I thought of celby. I was so exited I was like omg I can't believe I just thought of that. All I kept doing is saying celby in faiths face while faith was getting annoyed I could see it in her face I told Sydney and she just exclaimed "yes, OMG yes celby makes so much sense, awww" after faith said in a sad voice "no, it's folby celby doesn't make any sense" our teacher came over and told us "be quiet so that I can tell most of all the boys in our class to shut up" we all agreed and nodded after a while when our teacher told the group of boys to shut up Faith asked sir "do you ship folby or celby"
Sir just looked at us and said answering our question "who the hell is that, now get back to work" me,Sydney and Faith just looked at each other and laughed. After that lesson we all just kept saying how good folby and celby is and at break me and Faith was searching up pictures of Colby brock in each picture we looked out all you heard was me and Faith moaning "look how cute he is Awww look at this I want him to come to England so much I am dying to meet him".
Me,Faith and Sydney was on Skype me and Faith was chatting about Colby like always and this time Sydney was making cupcakes for only her friends I was really exited about the cupcakes and I couldn't wait to get my hands on a delicious chocolate chip cupcake with lovely luscious butter iceing I just couldn't wait. Me and Faith was discussing about who was better folby or celby (obvious it was Colby in my mind).

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