Run away

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I started to pack my bags to get ready to go I only had 48 hours (2 days) to meet Colby other wise all of this was a waste of time I was so eager to meet him I would do anything and right now I actually mean anything. I looked at my phone and I had lots of messages from Faith I didn't have time to check them so I called her, she answer 
"WHATS GOING ON!!!!" Faith shouted.
"Ok so pack your bags we are going to meet Colby" I answered. 
. "WHAT did your mum say yes"
"well, no she didn't ok, so she said she won't take us I begged her as much as I could and she still refused so instead"
"Instead what"
"Ok so we are going to run away, like this is once in a lifetime thing we have to go other wise we will never get to meet him"
"Ok so let me get this straight we are going to run away from home to meet Colby"
"Yes"I said. Faith answered "ok let's do this"
We snuck outside to meet each other at the park and we was on the bus and we looked right at the end of the bus I saw her it was AMY and I saw it in her hands my mouth dropped she had TWO tickets to meet Colby Brock.

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