Ouija board! Pt 1

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Me, Colby and Sam got in the car on our way to it took us 3 hours but we made it. It was creepy no one was there we did a exploration video with them looking around the place but we Sat down on the floor while Colby was setting the ouija board up I could hear the same voice I did before saying "be patient all will be revealed" I didn't want to mention anything though.

I heard a loud bang of a car behind me I quickly turned around and asked Sam and Colby "DID YOU HEAR THAT?!" and then Sam replied with  "no? What did you hear?" I thought for a second and then began to speak "wait, WHAT YOU DIDN'T JUST HEAR THAT!" I started to get really scared I kept looking around. Sam spoke a bit "urm... Maybe we shouldn't play this" I looked down and took a deep breathe "i need to know what's going on with me I keep hearing voices and I feel like I'm going insane".

Colby came into the conversation "okay, well let's quickly get this over and done with so we can go home and everyone's okay" I looked at him with a sneaky smirk while he was speaking and then nodded my head to agree and so did Sam.

They played the camera so we could see if anything paranormal. We all put our fingers on the board and did the introduction to the board and then I Colby asked "is there any spirits here that want to talk to use?" 'yes' I asked it "what is your name?" it replied with 'Mary' I thought could it be and then Sam asked "what is your age?" '67' I then asked "are you related to me?" 'yes' I quickly asked "are you my grandma and grandad?" I took a deep breathe while it was answering 'yes' I started to get emotional. Sam and Colby looked at each other and then Colby came over and hugged me.

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