Pregnancy prank!

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Me and Sydney went to another room to catch up and off course we made up as well.  Me and my family and Colby and his family got drunk except Megan and then the day ended and we went to sleep.

2 years later: (5th April)
Me and Colby have been together for over two and a half years now and we thought we could do a pregnancy prank on the roommates so we planned to sex part but we was saying we might as well have a little fun while doing this and make sure they can hear it so it's believable. We both knew that they could hear we also didn't use protection so they wouldn't see the packet in any of the bins.

The next day I over head Sam and all the other room mates talking about they could hear us while Devyn said to me she could hear and off course I giggle and blushed to make it look normal over the next couple of days I faked puking, everyone could hear me they still didn't know it was going to be a prank.

Colby texted the group chat saying house meeting and I whispered into colbys ear "it's go time!" Colby texted the group saying "btw it's in the famous devyn hiding spot room" once everyone was in the room Colby started off simple and then tried to make it believe able and then announced that I was pregnant they believed but Sam was iffy about it and then made everyone else thinking it was a prank as well. I started feeling quite sick I asked Colby "I feel sick can you get me some water" them Sam came out saying "THERE the camera it is a prank" Colby didn't get it for me because he thought it was still for the prank.

Unitl I slowly slid down to the floor loosing my balance Sam still thought it was a prank I puked onto the floor and Devyn walked out with Corey because it made her feel ill while Aaron ran to get a bucket and water.

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