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I could see someone in front of us I never seen them before at least that's what I thought. I moved around the corner to get a closer look to see who it was I couldn't believe my eyes millions of thoughts went through my head like "how could it be?" And "what am I going to do?" I whispered to faith "OMG Faith look infront of us look who it is!" It was COLBY we couldn't believe our eyes. Me and Faith couldn't stay still me and Faith was just couldn't keep quite but we kept whispering to each other "he's so cute and hot" " I love his sexy body I wish I could touch it all day long" he turned round we didn't know what to do we froze he muttered "you look hot" we both blushed and he walked of saying "bye sweet pea" and walks of the train smiling me and Faith looked at each other and said "I CANT BELIEVE HE THINKS IM CUTE!!" We both stare at each other with a angry slash annoyed face "he said that to me". We both stared at each other with a angry face we didn't talk to each other for the rest of the trip well until we got to mc Donald's next to the place we was going to meet Colby.

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