Ouija board! pt 2

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They played the camera so we could see if anything paranormal. We all put our fingers on the board and did the introduction to the board and then I Colby asked "is there any spirits here that want to talk to use?" 'yes' I asked it "what is your name?" it replied with 'Mary' I thought could it be and then Sam asked "what is your age?" '67'   I then asked "are you related to me?" 'yes' I quickly asked "are you my grandma and grandad?" I took a deep breathe while it was answering 'yes' I started to get emotional. Sam and Colby looked at each other and then Colby came over and hugged me.

5 minutes later:
I just stopped crying and Sam asked "are you okay Evie?" I replied in a sad voice "yeah" I sniffed and then asked it "how did you die?" it replied with 'car crash murder' Colby asked me "didnt you say it was just a car crash not a murder?" I thought for a second "yeah, that's what my mum and the doctors said" I asked the board after about 2 minutes "how was you murdered?" 'Sydney read' I started to get angry and sad at the same time Sam asked "isnt that your friend that came round before" I looked down and answered "yeah!".

We got in the car and on the way home I wasn't speaking and I was thinking about my grandma wouldn't lie to me and she loved Sydney. So did Sydney really kill her and my grandad... We get home and she called me I was nervous to answer but I did...

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