Our journey

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I saw her it was AMY I couldn't believe it was her and then I saw it there was TWO of colby brocks meet up tickets. I couldn't help myself my gaw has dropped as far as it could. And at that second I saw it there was two tickets I thought for a second TWO , TWO. I told Faith that there was two tickets that Amy had and Faith told me she saw MORGAN I couldn't believe it a million questions went through my head at once I tried to move my head around the seats to see her and I did she looked like a brat like she is so it suits her. We finally got of the bus next to the train station we waited a little until the train came we both got on the train scared. We sat down and Morgan and Amy came on to they sat behind us all the way I looked in front of the train and there he was I couldn't believe it. IT WAS HIM. Oh no

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