The Idea pt2

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I thought of this idea and I am going to tell you what it is. I thought because her mum couldn't give us a lift there I thought that my mum could drive us up or we could leave home and sneak there on a bus or something like that. We really badly wanted to meet him and maybe now that might not happen like this is a once in a life time I couldn't just let it get away. I walked down the stairs and asked my mum she asked me questions like where what time and that do I had to answer each one.
20minutes later my mum replied to the question where I asked can we go and she said........ NO I couldn't believe what I just heard I ran upstairs as fast as I could I laid under my covers crying my eyes out until I had no more tears to cry anymore I went onto my phone and I had 163 messages from Faith asking like what did she say is it a yes or no ???? I just didn't have the strength to answer her.
10 minutes later:
I finally had a little bit of strength to text her saying she said "no". But I had another idea I texted her again saying "pack your bags I guess we are going by ourselves".

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