The truth

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Colby, Sam and Faith asked me what happened I replied "The time when I took a drink from next to the body guard when I was drinking the drink that I got while I was meeting you too it tasted weird though not like before" Colby exclaimed "maybe the body guard had something to do with this" I stopped there to think about it and I remembered "on the train I saw the exact Same person, do you think he's following me or has something bad in mind for me what have I done?" I asked. I started to panic I wondered what does he want? What have I done? What's going to happen next? Faith exclaimed "I think you should get some rest for now and we would talk and then sort this out tomorrow.

BANG!!! I shot up as fast as a lightning bolt and looked around I couldn't see anything it was pitch black i whispered "hello,is anyone there?" No reply I could hear footsteps they was coming closer and closer I hid under my covers trying to convince myself that it wasn't a demon,ghost,spirit anything like that they sounded like they was right outside. I could feel a cold breeze on me and there was a knock on the door and it opened and I screamed at the top of my lungs!!!!

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