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Colby asked "do you want to stay with us but you have to promise us that you won't do this again as much as we love our fans you can't run away to meet us we will be having lots of meet and greets so don't worry" I replied "yes we would love to stay at your place and okay we promise it's just that we couldn't miss this because it was a once and a life time to meet you and we knew we had to do anything to meet you". They didn't say anything and just stood there with a surprised look I think they was just really flattered that we would do anything to meet them. I took a sip of my drink right next to body guards it tasted different. "Let's go" said Sam we all walked of towards their place each step we took my knees got weaker. We walked in the house it was bigger then it looks on the YouTube videos. My mouth made the shape of a O and everything got darker they all stared at me with a worried and scared face I didn't know what was happening or what was going to happen I started heavy breathing. Faith shouted "what do we do? Should we call the ambulance!!!" Sam ran to the kitchen the floor was slippery Sam fell over Jake came round the corner laughing " WELCOME TO THE PRANK WAR!!!!"" Colby shouted "QUICK HURRY UP SHES BREATHING EVEN HEAVIER!!!!" Jake asked "what's going on". Sam replied to Jake saying " just grab the phone and call 911" Jake ran over to the phone he dialled 911 it started ringing Jake asked if they could come and they said they will be right over.

Colbys pov:
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
What do we do the ambulance better get here fast

Evie's pov:
I can't see anything I feel Ill I can't speak what's happening to me is everyone else okay

The ambulance arrived and Evie got put in the ambulance ,Colby was next to her trying to stay calm it was all silent and then suddenly one of the doctor shouted "SHES STOPPED BREATHING!!!"

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