They're DEAD!!

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He didn't know what to say but "its okay now I'm here for you I will always be here for you no matter what" he hugged me tight and then pulled away and wiped the tears away and then we walked out and everyone was saying awww because Colby came out holding my hand Colby saw the dolphin statue and looked at me. I heard someone say "its okay darling I'm always with you it's fine we're still here" I looked behind me letting go of Colby's hand and no one was there everyone looked at me confused I thought it sounded like my grandma and grandad but then I thought I was going crazy. " you okay Evie?" devyn asked. "I don't know"

Colby walked me over to the sofa while Katrina and devyn was looking for new things for the kitchen that was destroyed and Corey and Sam was getting rid if all the burnt stuff. Jake was talking to the firefighters talking about the fire and Aaron was making sure that buddy and Navi was okay after the fire.

I couldn't get out my head hearing a warming voice like my grandma but how she is dead it can't be possible I was thinking of different ways to talk to her and it hit me, literally Corey made Sam take it out but he slipped and it flew out his hands into me. While Colby was talking and taking it away saying sorry I thought I could play it but where and the best place the place they died at.

I nudged Colby and he looked at me like what's up. I whispered in his ear "can I speak to you in private" he nodded and we walked over outside so I could go and get fresh air as well I explained to him that I wanted to play the ouiji board at the bridge where they died he didn't mind and was down to do it he asked me "do you want anyone else to come?" I replied with "i don't mind you can ask anyone you want" he walked to everyone and shouted "does anyone want to play the ouija board with me and Evie" everyone shook their head but Sam replied with "sure I'm done some more haunted stuff,definitely!"

1 week later:
Me, Colby and Sam got in the car on our way to it took us 3 hours but we made it. It was creepy no one was there we did a exploration video with them looking around the place but we Sat down on the floor while Colby was setting the ouija board up I could hear the same voice I did before saying "be patient all will be revealed" I didn't want to mention anything though.

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