Sydney's call!!

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We got in the car and on the way home I wasn't speaking and I was thinking about my grandma wouldn't lie to me and she loved Sydney. So did Sydney really kill her and my grandad... We get home and she called me I was nervous to answer but I did...

Syd: "hey Evie"
Me "hi"
Syd "so do you like pink or purple?"
Me "purple and can I ask you question and you have to answer honestly"
Syd "yeah sure"
Evie " did you kill my grandparents?"
She didn't answer for a few seconds and then carried on
Syd "it was by accident I couldn't tell you because you would hate it and you was still so upset abut their deaths and I couldn't do that to you I'm sorry"
Syd "im sorry do you want to know what really happened?"
I started to cry thinking of their deaths me "no just don't talk to me"
Syd "evie.. Please"
Me "no... Don't talk to me ever"
Syd "ev....."
I cut her off and ended the call. I slid down the wall crying I dug my head in my knees. Colby came round the corner and sat next to me and moved his arms around me. I felt a little better when he said "your okay now I'm here"

5 minutes later:
I start to stop crying I look at Colby and he gives me a warming smile and then I look forward and I see devyn and Corey standing in front of us at the door way looking at us like it was really cute. When Corey and devyn walked away Colby asked me whispering "you okay?, I could hear the whole conversation" I replied with "no, I don't want to hear what she has to say she KILLED my grandparents and not even telling me. Sam walked in on the phone and said "colby the phones for you" he looked nervous and replied "urmmm.... Yeah thx " he got up and Sam handed him the phone and he walked into the other room.

I didn't know what to think was Colby keeping a secret from me. I know it was wrong in my mind and I know I shouldn't of done it but I did and as soon as I did I regretted it but it was to late.

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