That night

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I could feel a cold breeze on me and there was a knock on the door and it opened I screamed at the top of my lungs!!!!
"Shhhhhhhh" Colby whispered. "OMG you scared me" I replied.
"sorry I wanted to check on you to see if your still okay"
"Awwww that's soo kind of you and I'm okay"
"Would it be okay if I stay here with you for a little bit longer so I know your defiantly okay?"
"Yeah sure it's fine do you want to sit in my bed with me so you don't have to sit on the floor and we can talk would that make you feel better?"
"Yeah, defiantly what do y..o..u want to talk about?"
I couldn't believe this was happening Colby brock was getting into to bed with me even though we said to just talk he was still getting into bed with me.
We started to talk about how I thought about the house and how I liked the roommates and Colby said what he thought and with every question about the roommates or house he said loved.
I could feel my eyes dozing away one at a time but I tried to stay awake as much as I could because I didn't want this moment to end I knew that Colby could see I was drifting of and I could tell he didn't know what to do but at that moment he moved closer to me and closer to my face our lips touched and we started to kiss passionately. He didn't let me go he was pulling me closer I had no clue this was going to happen but I didn't want it to stop.

I didn't know until after 5 minutes but Colby was starting to take my top of until it was finally off Colby didn't look at me but I didn't know why until Colby said in a worried voice "someone's at the door".

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