Chapter 5: Patronuses and Professors

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robes6th Year. 3 years ago. Hogwarts

Usually, Harry would try to avoid sitting with Draco as much as possible during classes with the Slytherins. But today, was different. Harry found himself skipping his way to class, unusually happy while his head filled with thoughts of Draco laughing and smiling. It spread a warm feeling through his stomach, and Harry, completely oblivious yet again, didn't even know what it meant.

Harry plopped down eagerly to the seat next to Draco, who was reading a book and didn't even notice Harry sit down until he tapped his arm.

Draco turned to look at him and smirked. "Ah. The boy who lived." He glanced at him before turning back to his book. "To what do I owe this honour?"

"Honour? What do you mean?" Harry smiled at him innocently.

Draco just waved his hand tiredly at him as Snape burst through the classroom doors. The door shut with a loud bang as all murmuring from the class immediately stopped and was met by a deadly silence. Snape notices this and smirked to himself.

"My task today is simple, and an utter waste of my time and abilities... I am to teach you all how to perform a patronus charm, obviously to help you defend yourselves against dementors..." He glared at the class. "As such... Failure is not an option... Failure to produce a patronus at the end of this class would lead to an obvious loss in House Points and a personal detention...with me... as it is." The class glumped at those words as Snape eyed them one by one. "The person sat next to you will be your partner... which is most... unfortunate for some people..." He looked at Draco and Harry.

Draco held back a laugh and Harry looked extremely offended and tried his best not to burst out shouting at the Professor.

"I would have you know sir, that I can produce a fully functional corporal patronus," Harry said confidently.

"Really?" Snape raised an eyebrow before glaring at him even more. "I suppose you think you can do a better job of teaching this class, do you? Potter?"

Harry, taken aback by the sudden glare of the professor, shook his head timidly. Draco giggled silently next to him, but Snape redirected his glare to Draco and he immediately shut up by pretending to cough, but it didn't fool the professor.

"20 points from Gryffindor..."

"What?! Sir, that's hardly fair-"

"For talking back to a professor and distracting other students in the class."

"Sir! I didn't do anything, Draco was just-"

"Take that tone with me again, Potter," Snape growled at him. "And you'll find yourself spending every day for the rest of school year in detention... Now be quiet."

Harry rolled his eyes and slumped back into his chair in defeat. Snape slowly turned to the class.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted... The incantation used to conjure a patronus is Expecto Patronum. While speaking the incantation it is required that you think of a happy memory..." He looked around the class again. "My job is to teach you defensive spells for the outside world, not supplying you free confectionaries from Honeydukes... Therefore, those who do not have a happy memory... either make one up... or serve detention... the choice is yours... Now begin."

In almost no time at all, Harry flicked his wand and his signature beautiful misty white stag appeared from the end of his wand. It ran around the classroom as Draco watched, astonished at his success. The lone stag was soon joined by an otter, a terrier, a fox and a wolf running along while chasing each other.

"Is That..." Harry said to himself and looked to the back of the classroom. Seamus Finnigan And Dean Thomas were huddled together in an almost couple-like manner. His eyes widened.

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