Chapter 26: Truths and Lies

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The wizarding world. Many, many years ago. August 1981. Months before the death of Lily and James Potter.

"Hey, Prongs," Sirius said with a smile as he and Remus stepped out of the floo of Godric'sHollow.

Sirius tackled James into a hug as he greeted him and Remus smiled and did the same. Sirius looked around and rubbed his hands together excitedly.

"So." He said happily to James, not noticing his worried expression. "What's up? How's Harry?"

"We need your help," James said to them seriously.

Sirius and Remus' happy expressions turned serious as they listened. Remus placed a reassuring hand on James' shoulder when he made no move to continue speaking.

"James. What's happened?"

James sighed and pinched his nose bridge. "Why don't the two of you come into the living room. Lily and I will explain everything."



Sirius leapt up from the sofa when Lily finished telling her account of the recent events with Ravenna, the prophecy and the darkness inside of Harry. Sirius bit his lip as he paced around the room worriedly. Remus was silent in thought with his elbows on his knees, staring into space, lost in deep thought.

"That stupid witch, who does she think she is, saying such horrible things about Harry." Sirius roared, but a tone of fear was heard in his voice as if he was unsure.

"James, I know you're worried about Ravenna's predictions," Lily said as she tried to calm both men down.

"Aren't you? If she's right, our child could end up becoming a fearsome dark wizard. A dark lord!" James said, rubbing his forehead which was now covered in sweat.

"Or he could grow to be a powerful hero. She said that, too, and who's to say we can even trust her?" Lily replied.

"There is a way to find out," Remus spoke for the first time.

All three heads turned to look at him as Harry squirmed in Lily's arms.

"A unicorn," Remus said a-matter-of-factly. "According to legend, all you need to do is touch its horn and you'll get a glimpse of Harry's future."

"A unicorn?" James inquired as they all scooted closer to Remus. "Where can we find one?"

Remus looked at them and hesitated until he let out a deep sigh.

"In the Forbidden Forest."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "At Hogwarts?"

Remus nodded back at her.

James stood up from his seat in a flash and grabbed his jacket to leave.

"Come on, then." He said to Lily. "Let's not waste another minute."

Lily sighed and followed suit. She turned to Remus and Sirius.

"We'll be back later." She said to the two. "Do you mind watching Harry?"

Sirius smiled at her. "Of course."

Lily nodded back with a smile of her own as she followed James out of the front door. The door shut with a soft bang before James turned to Lily and held out his arm.

"Ready?" He said with a small smile.


Lily hooked her hand through James' arm, and they apparated on spot.


It was late in the evening when Lily and James apparated to the gates of Hogwarts. The wards were set up but they had a way to get in.

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