Chapter 25: Fallen Heroes

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2 years ago. Summer before 7th Year. The Burrow.

Draco was silent. The initial shock of what Remus had told stunned him into silence. He looked up at him. He felt angry, disappointed, frustrated. It was like he could feel Harry's anger if he ever found out. His own guardian, the last thing he could call family. Lied to him and kept him from such a big secret.

He slowly looked up to see a guilty Remus trying to look away, avoiding the following conversation.

"You did what?" Draco said in anger and disbelief.

Remus looked away and couldn't meet his gaze. "I'm sorry, Draco. We just jumped to conclusions, we were stupid."

"Tell me something I don't know," Draco said harshly. At that moment, in Draco's eyes, Remus didn't deserve any sympathy after what he told him.

"You don't understand, we didn't have a choice."

"I understand enough!" Draco gritted his teeth. He walked closer to Remus and jabbed his finger against his chest accusingly. "Because unlike me, you did have a choice. You just made the wrong one."

Draco turned and started to walk away but Remus held onto his arm and stopped him in his tracks. Draco turned to glare at him but Remus' grip didn't loosen.

"Please, Draco, Harry can't know about this." Remus pleaded. "It would ruin everything. You have to help me get rid of her."

"Listen to yourself! You're talking about killing !"

Draco flung his arm off of Remus. "You used to be heroes, and now look. Heroes are supposed to do what's right, not what's easy .."

"She's a death eater, Draco!" Remus was raising his voice now. "I've seen what she does to people, how can you expect her offspring to be any different?!"

"Because I'm different!" Draco raised his voice as well. "My father was a madman! An extremist!"

Remus didn't say anything.

"I am not my father! I am not Lucius." Draco spat harshly before sighing and looked at Remus disappointingly. "Just like how Eris isn't Ravenna."

Remus looked down in shame, Draco was right. The young blonde simply looked once more at his former professor and shook his head in disapproval.

"Harry deserves to know." Draco turned again and walked back towards the house.

Remus started to panic, he suddenly felt more afraid and anger than ever. He shouted at Draco.


"HEY!" Draco whipped his head around and glared at the werewolf. "I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO'S ALLOWED TO BE ANGRY RIGHT NOW!"

Remus took one look at his face and shut up, forcing himself to calm down before speaking again.

"Please..." He pleaded with him. "I will tell him eventually but... just not now, it would destroy him."

"And then what? You'll win him back with your rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers ?" Draco retorted sarcastically.

Remus said nothing in reply, but simply looked away once again.

Draco simply huffed in anger and sighed in disappointment.

"I'm not going to tell him." He said firmly to Remus. "But he deserves to know."

With that, Draco stormed back into the Burrow, with Remus following closely behind in shame.

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