Chapter 34: The Dark Lady

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Multiple time periods and locations. 1995 & 1997. Azkaban Prison & Malfoy Manor.

The year 1995.

Ravenna sat alone in her cell, listening once again to the people screaming around her. It had been 14 years since that fateful day the Dark Lord had died and she was sent here in this miserable hellhole to rot and drown in her misery. As the years passed, she fell into despair and lost all hope of enacting her revenge on Harry Potter and to finish what the Dark Lord had started. She also swore to kill Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. After all, they were responsible for her daughter's death. But ever since Sirius' escape from Azkaban 1 year ago, she couldn't help but think that now that was no possible way to enact her revenge, when everyone is far from her grasp.

A sudden loud explosion was heard from around her as the prison alarms blared to life. Ravenna stood and walked towards the prison door, peering through the metal enchanted bars that held her and peaked above. She was located in the centre of Azkaban, where the most dangerous of Death Eaters were kept. Looking above, she saw the familiar figure of Death Eaters swooping in and blasting prison doors open. She clucked in disbelief of finally have a chance to escape. She reached her hand out of the bars to get their attention but it was no use. She was too far deep in the prison.

Restraints suddenly appeared around her, signalling that security had been called. The sound of spells being fired and shouting and screaming told her all she needed to know. Took them long enough.

She shouted again when suddenly her prison doors were blasted open, and a thick cloud of black smoke covered the cell in even more darkness. When the smoke faded, she came face to face with none other than the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort. Fresh from the dead.

Ravenna staggered backwards in shock.

"Tom?... How?" She shook her head in disbelief. "Are you not... dead?"

Voldemort smiled darkly back at her and walked closer.

"Yes... No..." He cackled darkly. "Something... in between."

Ravenna was shunned into silence, too shocked to say anything as she stared up at the Dark Lord. He clucked back at her.

"When the Killing Curse rebounded back that fateful night at Godric's Hollow, my spirit left my body... and parts of my soul survived thanks to the Horcruxes I've created." But then his smile faded as his grip on his wand tightened. "I wandered around the world, trapped, too weak... until now."

His haunting smile returned once again as he waved his wand, releasing Ravenna of her restraints. He walked forward and cupped her jaw with his fingers.

"We have much to do, my love." He said evilly as he released her and turned around. "With you and the Death Eaters by my side, I will regain my power once more..."

He turned his head to her and held out Ravenna's wand. Ravenna eyed it shakily before slowly taking it from his hand, feeling it's power radiate through her once more.

"We are now bound together, Ravenna... And with our powers combined, we will be unstoppable.

" The Dark Lord smiled at her. "Harry Potter... shall kneel before me... He will beg for mercy just like his mother..."

He let out a long and haunting laugh, echoing through the walls of Azkaban.

"... and then I'll kill him once and for all."


The year 1997.

"Bishop to King 2."

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