Chapter 61: The Portal to Nowhere

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Present Day. Unknown Place.

When Harry emerged, it was like he was walking into a dream. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He felt... cold, like his last breath has been taken away from him.

He instinctively clasped his hands together seeking warmth, but was shocked to feel that his hands retained the same normal warm temperature.

Harry took in his surroundings. The sight of the world around him made him pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming, It was like nothing he'd ever seen before.

He was in an endless void. There was no exit nor was there an entrance, as Harry looked back at the portal he had emerged from to find it disappeared completely. Bright white flooded from all around him in this surreal world. Endless paths were all around him, leading to different doorways, all with one thing in common.

They all bore the symbol of the Deathly Hallows.

Harry's eyes widened and he looked down at his hands, remembering his conversation with the Death entity.

"This must be it..." He whispered to himself and gripped his hand tighter.

He was finally a step away from saving Draco. But what was he supposed to do now? Harry had no idea.

He took another look around at the empty paths and the doorways that led to nowhere. He started to walk, and almost jumped when a voice came from the doorway next to him.

Harry squinted his eyes and walked closer. A piercing cold slowly enveloped his heart as he reached out to the doorway, the voice emerging from it becoming louder and louder.

It was so sudden that it almost knocked Harry to his feet, when not one, not two, but hundreds of voices suddenly emitted spontaneously from the doorways all around Harry and made themselves known to his ears.

His head jerked upwards, and a wave of memory flashes before his eyes.

He was at Hogwarts again.

At the final battle.

He was suspended in the air, Ron and Hermione crying out from beside him as his whole body and pupiless eyes were embarked in bright white light. There were voices in his ears, too many to count, it drove him bad.

He remembered.

He snapped his eyes open again, his head was pounding fiercely and he covered his ears to no avail.

The voices were still there.

The same voices that he had heard when the powers of death possessed him.

What is this?

Determined, he continued to make his move around the seemingly endless labyrinth, letting the voices flow to his ear. And this time, he made no move to fight it.

He was surprised when he recognised some of them, and some of them not.

"My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice."

"I didn't choose, you know that? I didn't choose to be his son."

"Return great avenger, with wings from the water. "

"I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me."

"There's loads like me..."

"Will we die, just a little? "

"...No... no... there's only one like you."

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