Chapter 49: The Sacking of Severus Snape

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2 years ago. May 1998. Hogwarts. Great Hall.

The sound of sturdy, synchronised footsteps filled the dark air of Hogwarts School as students slowly assembled down the stairs and into the Great Hall. Draco stood from beside Harry, hidden among plain sight with the students, a disillusion charm placed on his hair to give it a dirty blonde colour. Harry stood beside him, and he was shaking. Draco didn't know whether it was out of fear or out of anger that he had. He guessed it was the latter. When Pansy had come into the Room of Requirement announcing that Snape had ordered the whole school to go to the Great Hall, Harry's whole body stiffened and he had remained silent ever since. It worried Draco. He reached forward and grabbed Harry's hand as they were hidden in the crowd and Harry looked up at him, his anger momentarily vanished off from his face and he gave him a small smile. Harry didn't let go of his hand as he turned back to face forward, marching down the stairs.

Despite the fear he was feeling, Draco couldn't help but let out a small smile when he felt Harry squeeze his hand back.


The enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall was dark and scattered with stars, and below the four long house tables were lined with disheveled students, some in traveling cloaks, others in dressing gowns.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour." The new headmaster said in a low voice and proceeded to pause. The deafening silence and the glare that Snape's eyes held were enough to silence both student and staff before he spoke again in a louder tone.

"It's come to my attention that earlier this evening..." He paused again. "... Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade."

The name acted like a spark that caused a fire of whispers and murmurs among the once silent crowd. There were shocked gasps, frightened ones and ones that sounded relieved, as if just hearing news that they were going to be saved.


Snape's harsh voice cut through the fire of whispers like wind and instantly blew out the whispers, causing the entire hall to be filled with silence once again.

"Should anyone..."

He started to walk forward.

"...student or staff..."

His footsteps echoed and bounced off the walls of the Great Hall.

"...tempt to aid Mr Potter..."

He stopped dead in his tracks and looked around.

"...they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression."

He turned around and started to walk again, his black cloak flowing swiftly behind him.

"Furthermore... any person found to have knowledge of these events... who fails to come forward... will be treated..."

His eyes roamed around the hall and slowly met the eyes of each member of staff before stopping darkly at  McGonagall's.

" equally guilty..."

McGonagall didn't even bat an eyelash and simply stared back as if challenging him. Snape slowly turned away from her and addressed the school once more.

"Now then." Snape's tone appeared kinder, as if trying to lure someone out. "If anyone here has any knowledge of Mr Potter's movements this evening..."

His eyes turned hard and menacing and his gaze burned through every student body.

"I invite them to step forward..." His voice became dangerously low. "Now."

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