Chapter 37: Going Seperate Ways

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2 years ago. Late November 1997.  Unknown Location. Hermione's Tent.

The Golden Trio, along with Draco, had been travelling for weeks, hunting for the remaining Horcruxes. Each trail they seemed to find though only led them to another dead end. Amidst all the problems and mishaps though, Draco and Harry have been inseparable, and through Draco's time together with Ron Hermione, he formed and strong friendship with the two. However, what seemed to confuse him the most was the dirty looks Ron sent him and Harry while they were talking to Hermione.

Currently, it was late at night and the Quartet sat quietly in silence in Hermione tent. Ron was awake as he stared at the top of the tent, listening to the quiet sounds of Hermione's scissors cutting Harry's hair while Draco sat by Harry, resting his head on his lap and reading a book, falling asleep in the process. Harry's fingers were dangling with Draco's blonde-white hair, making curls and stroking it tenderly, letting it fall through his fingers while staying as still as possible, letting Hermione cut his hair from behind. The radio tuned quietly from next to Ron.

"... and our thoughts and prayers go out to all the wizarding families that have been affected... Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy... if you are hearing this, we hope that you will soon vanquish the Dark Lord once and for all and restore peace again to the Wizarding World... In other news, goblins in Gringotts bank have-..."

The cutting sounds suddenly stop as he heard Hermione gasp behind her.

"Oh my god." She said, as if something clicked inside her. She practically stopped what she was doing and ran towards the table, flipping open a book and rampaging through the pages.

"What?" Harry's eyes widened at Hermione's sudden action and touched the back of his head unconsciously, hoping it had nothing to do with his hair. Draco sat up sleepily as well, having dozed off on Harry's lap as he was jerked awake as Harry made to stand up.

"I'll tell you in a minute." Came Hermione's voice as she flipped through the book.

"Maybe you can tell me now." Harry responded as he made his way towards her with Draco trailing behind sleepily, rubbing his eye with his hand, his other was intertwined with Harry's own.

"The Sword of Gryffindor." Hermione raised a shining face at Harry. "It's Goblin-made."

"Brilliant." Draco said from beside Harry, looking tired and uninterested. "Can we go back to sleep now?"

"No, you don't understand." She rolled her eyes at Draco in annoyance then turned towards Harry, turning the open book on the table to him so he could read. "Dirt and rust have no effect on the blade. It only takes in that which makes it stronger."

Harry and Draco looked at each other in confusion, then back at the book in front of them before looking back up at Hermione with raised eyebrows.

"O...kay?" Harry had no idea what she was talking about.

"Harry, you've already destroyed one Horcrux, right?" Hermione started to pace around the tent, her smile didn't fade as she continued on rambling. "Tom Riddle's Diary in the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Yeah, with a Basilisk fang!" Harry retorted. "Don't tell me you've got one of those in that bloody bag of yours."

Draco's eyes widened as he looked at them before slowly lifting a finger to point at Harry.

"You... fought a freaking Basilisk?! In the Chamber of Secrets?!" He spluttered out.

Harry simply smiled at him and shrugged before shushing him and his open mouth by leaning forward and pecking his cheek with a soft kiss. Draco shook himself out of shock as he blushed deeply and punched him softly on the arm and looked away. Harry just chuckled in amusement before turning back to Hermione.

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