Chapter 50: The Chamber of Secrets

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2 years ago. May 1998. Hogwarts. Multiple Locations.

"I presume you have a reason for returning, Potter." McGonagall sighed at him worriedly as Filch led the few remaining Slytherins to the dungeon, followed by crowds of cheers. "What is it you need?"

"Time, professor." Harry looked at her pleadingly as Draco clutched his hand from beside him. "As much as you can get us."

"Do what you have to do." McGonagall nodded at them. "I'll secure the castle."

Harry smiled in thanks and turned around to go out of the hall, but McGonagall's voice stopped him again.


Harry looked back at her. She was smiling warmly at him, like a mother and there were unshed tears in her eyes.

"It's good to see you."

Harry smiled widely for the first time in ages and looked over at Draco from beside him. He was smiling too. Harry nodded back at the professor with a chuckle.

"It's good to see you too professor."


Time was running out. Harry still had 3 more Horcruxes left to destroy. Chaos erupted around him as students ran around the halls and up and down the stairs. Harry dragged Draco along with him, his hand clasped tightly around Draco's as he strode his way through the thick crowd. Time was running out.

"Harry! Malfoy!" He heard Ron shout from behind.

Draco came to an unsteady halt before them. and they both turned to see Ron and Hermione catching up with them, running up the long stairs.

"What's wrong, Weasley?" Draco looked around. "Something wrong?"

Ron and Hermione gave each other a knowing look before Ron turned back to them again and spoke in confidence.

"Mione and I have been thinking." He gulped. "It doesn't matter if we find a Horcrux or not."

Harry looked visibly confused. "What do you mean?"

"Unless we can destroy it." Hermione squealed and turned back to look at Ron with a proud smile.

Ron smiled back. "So, we were thinking-"

"-Well Ron was thinking it was Ron's idea it's completely brilliant." She spoke hurriedly without pausing beamed at Harry with a bright smile. Harry saw Ron blush and heard Draco scoff loudly from next to him.

"You destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with a basilisk fang, right?" He raved. And at Harry's nod, he continued. "Well, me and Hermione think we know where we might find one."

"Okay." Harry nodded and glanced over at Draco's confused expression. He turned back to Ron and Hermione and pulled something out from his back pocket. "Okay, but take this."

He handed them the Marauders map.

"That was you can find us when you get back." Without waiting for a reply, Harry took hold of Draco's hand again and hurried up the stairs further into the castle.

"Where are you two going?" Hermione called after them.

"Ravenclaw common room!" Draco called back. "Potter said we've got to start somewhere!"

Hermione took one last look at their disappearing frames before turning around and grasped Ron by the arm, running towards Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

From amidst all the chaos and franticality, Luna saw Harry and Draco retreating from the corner of her eye and dashed off towards their direction. And unknownst to any of them, Ravenna followed from behind in the form of a black raven, flying after Luna and the two boys.

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