Chapter 42: A Mother's Love

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Present Day. 12 Grimmauld Place.

Harry continued to look down at the ring he was fiddling with in his hand while Narcissa made tea for the both of them in the kitchen. She and Harry have spent the last hour catching up on lost times since they haven't seen each other for a year since the trail. Narcissa had wanted to go away and sort things out on her own, her son's death devastated her more than anyone else and she had decided to travel around the world, writing news blogs and fashion articles, hoping it would help her eventually move on. Harry, on the other hand, still hasn't accepted the fact that he is gone, he tried to move on, he dated Ginny... for a while, but things hadn't really truly been great for him. All he could think about everyday was Draco's warm smile staring back at him. His last words echoing through Harry's mind before the image turned to ashes. A lone tear slipped from Harry's eye as he caught himself fiddling with the engagement ring again.

Narcissa stepped into the lounge with two hot cups of tea as she set them down with a huff. A copy of The Owl Times was sitting on the coffee table as she read the headline.


The famous monument set displaying Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy are now set to be completed in two months time, the monument will be located next to the memorial stone in the courtyard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It will be released on the 1st Anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts and The fall of the Dark Lord.

Narcissa smiled at the headline and sighed before turning to Harry and sighed sadly when she saw his face.

"What's wrong with your face, dear?"

"What? Do I- do I  have something on my face?" Harry looked at her as he touched his cheek and searched around his face with his hands.

"That frown." Narcissa sighed. "It's causing little tiny wrinkles to sprout up under your eyes, Harry."

Harry let out a chuckle, but Narcissa could tell it was forced.

"They're making a monument out of you and Draco, you should be happy." She spoke softly. "So why do you look like your world is about to end?"

"It's just.." Harry waved a hand. "It's nothing."

Narcissa crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

Harry sighed in defeat before finally speaking, letting out a breath he didn't realise he was holding in.

"While you've been away..." He spoke softly. "I've been in a relationship with Ginny."

Narcissa let out a gasp, followed by her lips turning upwards into a huge smile and squealed like a little girl. Although Draco was her son and she loved him extremely, she hated seeing Harry depressed and unable to move on, so when he told her this, she was happy for Harry that he had learned to move on... or so she thought.

"Harry Potter has a girlfriend?!" She spoke excitedly. "A year in America and I miss everything!"

Harry shook his head. " Had ...a girlfriend."

Narcissa frowned at him. "Oh."

"For the first time very since Draco left." Harry said, close to tears, he hated using the word 'die'. "But it didn't work, because... I can't get over him."

Harry collapsed down onto the sofa and held his face in his hands. Narcissa sat next to him with a small frown but didn't say anything.

"And everytime I think about hurts like hell." He whispered in a broken sob. "Everyone close to me is in a happy relationship and I thought I could maybe have that too again but... I'm starting to think that maybe it's not on the cards for me."

"Oh, Harry no." Narcissa reached forward and embraced him, she pulled away but didn't take her hand off his shoulder. "Take it from a woman who has been engaged four times."

"Four?" Harry chuckled tearily.

"Well... it would have been five but I turned down Mr Parkinson... twice actually." Narcissa smiled. "My parents were always trying to put me with the best man they could find... like what Lucius wanted to do with Draco."

"I know it's been a year but..." Harry shook his head sadly. "I just feel like this pain isn't going to go away."

"Well, that's what I said about childbirth." Narcissa pursed her lips. "But it did... and it will."

"I just miss him so much." Harry sobbed, another tear fell.

Narcissa looked at him brokenly, herself close to tears.

"I miss him too, dear." She reached forward and clasped Harry's hand tenderly. "But do you think Draco would be happy seeing you like this?"

"No." Harry chuckled. "He'll want to kill me if he sees me like this... I'm just pathetic."

"No, you're not, Harry..." Narcissa shook her head and smiled warmly at him. "See, the things that make people strong that they have the guts to be vulnerable."

Harry looked up at her.

"They have the ability to feel the depths of their emotion and they know that they will walk through it to the other side." She patted her hand and sat up straighter, smirking proudly at him. "And by the way, you have accomplished great things this year!"

Harry chuckled and smiled back.

"I mean, your actions to help rebuild Hogwarts, your application to be head auror, your article about remembering the ones we lost..." She looked proud of him. "It's all very powerful... and your public speech after the war wasn't bad... I mean, it's not great but it's not bad."

Harry chuckled again, but this time, he felt happier.

"You heard my speech?"

"I did." She smiled at him. "It was all over the news in America."

Harry looked away embarrassingly.

"But you, my dear, are on a hero's journey." She said. "And yes, you may have hit an obstacle, quite a big obstacle, but you will soar right over it just like I have... except of course you won't be wearing Louboutins."

Harry smiled and nodded at her.

She smiled at him once again.

"Draco would have been so proud of you, Harry." she reached forward and wiped a tear away from his cheek. "He loved you so much."

"I know. I still love him." Harry shook his head sadly. "And I just hope he's proud of me... wherever he is."

"He is, Harry." Narcissa smiled. "He is."

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