Chapter 6: Confrontation

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6th Year. 3 years ago. Hogwarts.

The door to the classroom closed as Draco stood by, his bang hung over his shoulder as he stared at the floor.

"Spare me the lecture. I'll come to the detention tonight." He said as he walked towards the exit. He didn't want to talk about that. No. Not right now. Not ever.

"I'm not in the mood for games, Draco," Snape said sternly as he walked towards him. "I know what you did to Miss Bell."

Draco's heart sped up quicker and quicker. He looked around the classroom as he tried to back away towards the door.

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl." He tried speaking as confidently as possible, but he was on the verge of breaking. "Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?"

With a swift movement, Snape grabs him by the collar and pushes him against the wall, glaring furiously at him while Draco widened his eyes in shock.

"I swore to protect you!" He said in a whisper. "I made the Unbreakable Vow."

"I don't need protection!" Draco spat back. "I was chosen for this!" His voice was breaking as tears formed at the back of his eyes. "Out of all others! Me!"

Snape released his grip as a single tear fell from Draco. He was shaking as he glared coldly at Snape. But all Snape could see was a frightened young boy who is putting himself and his family in danger without knowing it.

"And I won't fail him!" Draco gritted his teeth.

Snape's gaze softened as he tried speaking to him softly. "You're afraid, try to conceal it, but it's obvious..." He walked closer to him. "Let me assist you."

But Draco pushed his godfather away. "NO!" He shouted as he hurried towards the door. "I was chosen! This is my moment!"

Harry's heart sank as he lifted his head away from the classroom door and hurried around the corner. The door opened mere seconds later as Draco hurried out of the classroom while wiping his face with his sleeve. And as if by instinct, Harry hurried after him.


Draco slammed the door to the Room of Requirement. The room had transformed itself into a simple room for rest with a fireplace, a bookshelf, a bed, a few couches and a glass table with a chess board on top. Draco threw his bag at the ground furiously before proceeding to tear his robe off and flopped down onto the bed, planting face first into the pillow, soaking it wet with tears quickly. His sobs filled the room as he let out a scream. He knew what would happen if he failed. He knew what would happen to his family, to his mother and to him. They would all die mercilessly.

The door to the Room of Requirement creaked open as Draco snapped his head up from his pillow, and grabbing his wand, immediately sitting up and turning to face the door.

There was nobody there.

"Who's there?!" He said, his voice sounded weak and broken. "Show yourself!"

Harry slowly took off the invisibility cloak. He was looking at Draco. His face showed worry, concern, sadness, empathy, anger and relief all in one expression. Harry blinked sadly a few times before giving Draco a sad smile.

But all Draco saw at that moment was red. Harry had found out. He knew he was a death eater now. That brief friendship was gone. He thought. And now, Harry was probably going to turn him in for the Ministry.

"What the hell are you doing here, Potter?!" He said angrily with a broken sob.

Harry didn't reply, he let out a sigh and came close to him. But Draco hurriedly scampered off the bed and pointed his wand at Harry while backing away towards the wall.

"Stay away from me!" He shouted. He had to push him away, he couldn't show Harry any more weakness. Harry can't know about his mission, even after he agreed to help him.

"Draco, listen I heard what Snape—"

"So you've eavesdropped again! Do I need to remind you what happened last time?!"

"Yeah, you hexed me, broke my nose and left me under my cloak..." Harry rolled his eyes and sighed. "I hope it won't happen again this time."

"Why did you come here?" Draco asked, but he already knew why. He was here to take him away. He knows Draco's a death eater.

As if reading his mind, Harry dropped his head, not meeting Draco's gaze. "You're one of them, aren't you?"

That confirmed Draco's speculation. Fear and anger bubbled up inside him and yet he couldn't find it in himself to cast any hex at Harry. Normally he would gladly oblige, but now? It was as if Harry was all he had left. That little speck of hope that made him feel happy, free, free from the worries of his mission, even if it was only for a short time, it was real. More tears fell from Draco as he felt his heart sank. He was angry and afraid. Angry at himself for being so weak. But he was also afraid. He was afraid of what lies ahead. Afraid of Harry's possible rejection of their friendship after finding out he's a death eater. Was Harry going to turn him in now that his secret's out? Were his parents going to die? This was all his fault.

"Well, it's about time you figured it out... Well, what do you want? Huh?" He growled as he blinked back the tears. "You want a gold star? Or did you just come here to turn me in?"

He saw Harry shake his head before lifting his wand up. Draco closed his eyes. This was it. Harry was going to turn him over to the Ministry and he would ultimately cause the death of his family. He was a failure. To his family. To Voldemort. To Harry. "Draco, just put the wand down. We can talk about this."

"NO!" Draco shouted.


Draco's wand flew out of his head as he kept his eyes closed. He heard footsteps coming closer as he sank to the ground and curled up in a ball. Harry was going to turn him in now. He kept repeating to himself.

Only... none of that happened. Instead, Harry had crouched down in front of Draco and wrapped his arms around him as he rocked him back and forth. Draco opened his eyes in shock as he let out a shuddering breath before closing his eyes again sobbing even more loudly, clinging onto Harry like never before. He felt Harry pick him up and placed him on the bed. But his arms never left him as Draco sobbed into his chest as he slowly laid down onto the bed with Harry beside him.

His sobs slowly turned into hiccups as he slowly opened his eyes again and looked up to Harry. Draco's face was drenched with tears, but he what he saw was shocking. A single tear fell from Harry as he pulled Draco closer to the hug.

"W-Why are you doing this, Harry?" Draco sobbed. "You really want to help me? I'm a filthy death eater. I don't deserve anybody's help."

"Draco..." Harry said softly as he blinked back another tear. "That mark doesn't define who you are. It is the rest of you that defines you, who you choose to be."

Harry lifted his hand up to Draco's hair and caressed it carefully, stroking it softly. "Don't push me away, Draco. I know what it's like to feel like all hope is lost... I've been through the same thing when I was a kid... only... I didn't have anybody to turn to." Draco looked up at him as Harry smiled back warmly. "But you do, Draco... you do have somebody. You have me."

Draco breathed out another breath as he rested his head against Harry's chest again before softly closing his eyes.

"I don't deserve you..." He said as he slowly drifted off to sleep, safely in Harry's arms... with a small smile plastered on the corner of his mouth. Draco Malfoy, for once, even if it was only for a moment, felt truly safe and at peace.

"No, Draco... I don't deserve you." Harry said before pulling him closer, he brushed Draco's hair away from his forehead as he looked down at the sleeping boy, his eyes fluttered closed as he leaned down and place a delicate soft kiss on his forehead, before drifting off into a peaceful sleep, with Draco Malfoy in his arms.

The Boy who lived and The Boy who survived (Drarry)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang