Chapter 36: No Mercy

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2 years ago. November 1997.  Malfoy Manor.

Malfoy Manor's drawing room was currently filled with pitch black darkness as the muggle family prisoners struggled against their restraints. Slowly, the door to the room creaked open as a small gap of light peered through the gaps of the door. The struggling noises became silent once more as the prisoners looked up at the incoming figure.

Ravenna slowly walked forward towards them, with Rowle and Dolohov following behind her. The sounds of her black heels filled the room in an eerie pattern as she finally came to a stop right in front of the five prisoners. Her gaze slowly studied the freaks in front of her, a mother and a father, a young boy, who looked no more than 16, and... two children .

Her breath hitched.

"These are children." She said to no one in particular, but she kept her gaze on the parents, who whimpered in fear every time she spoke, hugging each other close as they looked across the room at their two 1- year olds.

"Doesn't matter," Rowle said from behind her, raising his wand. "They'll all die anyway."

Rowle and Dolohov turned to each other and gave a small nod before a dark smile came to their lips as they raised their wands at the family in front of them.

" Crucio ."

Immediately, cries and shouts from both the parents, the teen and the two infants echoed hauntingly in the room. Ravenna had her wand raised but found herself unable to cast any curse. Her wand hand shook violently as the baby's cries became louder. Flashes of memories from that fateful night where Eris died appeared in front of her as she staggered backwards.

"Stop." Her eyes widened as she turned to the other two Death Eaters. "Stop, now."

Rowle and Dolohov didn't stop at all and instead increased the pain of the curse even more.

The babies and the family's cries became louder as the infant's cries echoed through the room, mirroring the same cries that emitted from Eris moments before she was taken away from this world.

Something inside Ravenna snapped... and she screamed.


A wave of powerful magical energy erupted from Ravenna's body as Rowle and Dolohov were sent flying through the air. Their backs met the walls of Malfoy Manor with a loud bang as they fell to the floor, struggling to stand up in pain, their wands on the floor.

Ravenna stood there panting as the crying and screams from the family slowly quieted down. With another wave of her hand, the two Death Eater's wands flew across the room and into her hand. Slowly, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling.

She opened them once more and gazed intently towards the family in front of her.

"Wendy." There was a loud pop and the new Malfoy Manor House elf appeared beside her. "Take them away from here and let them go."

Audible gasps followed by a stream of 'thank you's came from the family as Dolohov and Rowle stared at Ravenna across the room in utter shock and disbelief. The house elf merely nodded twice and apparated away with the family, sounding another loud pop before disappearing.

The room was once again filled in an eerie silence. Only the small footsteps of Rowle and Dolohov can be heard as they walked slowly and injured across the room towards Ravenna.

Dolohov was the first one to speak.

"What the fuck was that?"

Ravenna didn't answer, nor did she even turn to face either of them.

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