Chapter 7: Sisters and Girlfriends

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Present time. 12 Grimmauld Place.

The floo to 12 Grimmauld Place flared to life as Ginny stepped into the household. Luna, Harry and Hermione all stood from their seats in the living room and hurried over to the floo to greet them.

"Hi sweetie," Ginny said, brushing off the snoot caused from the floo powder and walked over to him, giving him a kiss.

Ginny pulled back only to see Harry red with slight embarrassment and not willing to meet her gaze. She held his hand and gave it a squeeze before heading off to greet Hermione and Luna.

"Hi, Ginny." Luna chirped before waving furiously at her. Ginny chuckled and hugged her. She turned to Hermione before hugging her as well.

Luna then suddenly grabbed Ginny's hand and Ginny blushed instantly and looked at her, but didn't take her hand away. She was wearing a collection of bracelets, each one was from the different places she visited with her Quidditch team while travelling around the world. But there was one that caught Luna's eye and she grew wide-eyed at a pink, red and gold bracelet around her wrist. It was delicately made, and a horse embedded onto it, it moved around the bracelet, leaving a trail of gold sparks behind it.

"That's a lovely bracelet, Ginny." She smiled and looked at her. "Where'd you get it?"

"Oh, my mum made it for me." She smiled back at her. "I can ask her to make you one if you'd like."

"Oh it's fine, Ginny, I don't want to trouble—"

"Bah!" Ginny waved her hand. "Don't worry about it, I'll ask her tonight!"

Luna smiled and blushed back at her.

"So where's Ron?" Hermione said as she eyed around the house. Ron still hadn't arrived.

"He's coming In a bit, he just had to drop something off at home first," Ginny said with a sigh to the two girls. "Ugh, you would NOT believe how much he was complaining when he got back." Luna chuckled and blushed as Hermione just shook her head with a smile. They didn't even notice when the floo flared to life again.

"Yeah, that's what I have to put up with every day," Hermione said with a chuckle before sipping her tea. "But he's a really sweet guy—"

Ginny held up a hand. "Okay stop right there. Too much information." She sighed before flipping her hair back. "And please. I've known him since I was born and he's anything but sweet."

"Oh come on sis!" Ron shouted and stepped out of the floo in with his Auror robes, looking exhausted as hell. "Cut me some slack, will you?"

Ginny rolled her eyes and continued talking to the two girls.

"Hey, Harry!" Ron turned to Harry and gave him a smile. He stepped out of the fireplace before swiping off snoot from his robes as well. "You alright, mate?"

"Fine, I guess..." He said with a small smile. "How about you?"

"Oh, bloody hell!" He started off in a rant. "You will not believe how hard it is to catch those bloody wankers! Nine raids last night! I didn't get any sleep at all!" He said to him while they made their way to where the girls were huddled together.

"Hey Mione," Ron said and pulled her in for a kiss. Hermione gave a squeak before fluttering her eyes close, putting her tea down and reaching out to cup Ron's face with her hand and returning the kiss passionately.

"Uhh... guys?" Harry stared awkwardly with a chuckle. But they didn't hear him. "Hello?" Harry called again snapping his fingers in front of them. The two pulled apart instantly and their faces were both red with embarrassment.

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