Chapter 29: A life for a life

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Many years ago. Godric's Hollow. Weeks before the death of Lily and James Potter.

"James, you have to tell me." Lily softly said to James as she stroked his back. "What did you see?"

Lily, James, Sirius and Remus all sat by the living room fireplace as the flames flickered silently amongst the darkness of the room. James and Lily sat on the couch as Remus and Sirius gazed over to look at them, but didn't speak.

"No... Saying it out loud will make it too...real," James spoke softly and unconsciously looked over to the crib where Harry was sleeping soundly. "We just have to find another way to save Harry's future."

"What exactly did the two of you see that was so important?" Sirius asked from his armchair, leaning forward.

"Lily saw happiness in Harry's future. I saw pure terror." James said shakily. "But how do we know which one of our visions is real?"

Their question was met with silence. Sirius didn't ask any further and no one seemed to want to talk. Until Remus finally spoke up, breaking the silence.

"I-I'm afraid they both are."

Heads instantly turned his way. James' eyes widened and Sirius' eyebrows were raised. Lily was the only one who seemed calm. When they didn't speak, Remus continued on.

"You see, we are all born as blank slates. But someone like the chosen one has the potential for powerful good or evil and with the gift of free will, so we can choose between the two." He said slowly. "Which is why there is an equal chance that either of your visions may come true."

"If the future I saw comes to pass, Harry's life will be bleak, full of pain and darkness," James said shakily. "He could turn into a Dark Lord more powerful than even Voldemort! Is there nothing we could do?"

James slumped back onto the sofa. Remus didn't say anything further until James noticed the slight twitch in his jaw.

"You know something."

Remus' face paled. "I don't know anything."

"Yes, you do." James marched forward and shook him by the shoulders. "What aren't you telling us?!"

"James, please calm down." Lily pulled her husband back as Sirius went by to sit next to Remus, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, Remus relaxed at his touch as he looked back up at James, who was still worried as ever, demanding to know. Remus closed his eyes and sighed.

"There is a way to banish the potential for darkness from Harry," Remus said softly. "But the cost is too high."

"Whatever it is, I'll pay it." James remained unpersuaded

Even Sirius looked intrigued now.

"Remus, this is my godson we're talking about." Sirius pleaded with him. "Whatever it is, just say it, for Harry."

Remus looked between the three of them, before catching Lily's shake of his head and the pleading in her eyes. But James and Sirius' expressions did no better, in fact, it tipped him over the edge as he spluttered out the next sentence.

"After Dumbledore told us about the prophecy, I wanted to learn more about the chosen one. Which is why I found a book in Sirius' place written all about the chosen one and the powers it possesses. And sure enough, there was a spell, a ritual there that could solve exactly this problem that's in front of us." Remus hesitated for a while before resuming. "You see, the laws of magic would not allow us to simply send Harry's darkness away or completely destroy it. Another living vessel must absorb it... a vessel that is also a blank slate, unformed in the ways of good and evil."

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