Chapter 59: A Lonely Decision

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Present Day. Grimmauld Place.

Hermione was back again. It was the 5th time this week. Harry had been spending most of his time in Grimmauld Place, analysing and studying book after book in the library in the hopes to bring back Draco. It hurt her, seeing Harry like this. And it hurt her more, knowing that there was nothing she could do to help.

"Hermione, I think this might be able to bring him back." He showed her a book.

That was the tenth time he had done this. Hermione sighed sadly at him and took it.

"Do you see what it says here?" Harry pointed to a passage. "It says it is possible to undo a spell that was cast on a person/object after they disappeared when you are standing where they had gone."

"Harry it wouldn't work-"

"We could try, I've unlocked the power once before remember? I saved Ron, I can save Draco too and-"

"Harry it's just a summoning spell I don't think-"


Hermione jumped at his shout and shut her mouth, looking away with a defeated sigh. She hated seeing him like this. He was always getting almost no sleep, works like a lunatic, and her heart hurt for him. Harry looked at him with tired enraged eyes, and they were filled with tears. His angry panting slowly broke into a quiet sob. He turned away from her, dragging his hand across his face with an exhale. Hermione bit her lip from beside him and from her beaded bag, she pulled out a worn-out old looking piece of parchment.

"What's this?" Harry asked. He sounded defeated.

Hermione smiled at him sadly. "Something... that might help."

Harry took the piece of parchment from her hands as she sat down beside him on the floor. He unrolled it. 

Et Reliquias Mortis

Quando Dominus Mortem invenit aeternus amor ad solis clarissimum set, si una corda sunt aligned, et sidera sunt quoque, viam apparebit, ubi incipit vita et in morte terminatur. Potestas dabitur, ut qui excipit mortem, ut aequalis, ut necesse.

It was shorter than he expected and was in a language he couldn't quite read.

"It's in Latin," Hermione said from beside him as if reading his thoughts. "It says here how you could unlock the power of the deathly hallows."

Harry's eyes widened, he hated how that gave him hope, even the slightest bit of it.

"Don't do that." His grip tightened on the parchment. "Don't give me hope."

"Oh, Harry..." Hermione reached forward and stroked his shoulder affectionately.

"Every time we think we found something it always ends up worse than before." A tear fell from his eye and down his cheek. He breathed out shakily and wiped his tears, turning his attention back to the parchment. "What does it say?"

Hermione seemed to hesitate, and glanced back and forth between Harry and the small parchment, before biting her lip and read.

"It says... ' When the Master of Death finds eternal love at the sun's brightest set when one's hearts are aligned and the stars are too, the path will appear to where life begins and death ends. The power will be granted to the one who welcomes death, as an equal, as the inevitable.' " Hermione stopped reading and turned to face Harry. His face was a pasty white, almost the colour of marble, without the warmth.

"Harry? Harry, are you alright?" She reached out again tentatively.

Harry avoided her question and shrugged off her hand.

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