Chapter 23: Unforgiven

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2 years ago. Summer before 7th Year. The Burrow.

Harry stood up, swaying slightly, and saw Mrs Weasley and Ginny running down the steps by the back door as Hagrid, who had also collapsed on landing, clambered laboriously to his feet.

"Harry! Hagrid!" Molly dashed forward and looked over at Harry, searching him for injuries.

"What happened?" She sounded incredibly worried. "Where are the others?"

"Is no one else back?" A wave of panic shot through Harry.

The answer was clearly etched in Mrs Weasley's pale face.

"They were on us right from the start, Molly." Hagrid interrupted his thoughts. "We didn't stand a chance."

"Well..." Molly sounded close to breaking, but she reached forward and gave them both into a hug. "Thank goodness you two are alright."

She nodded her head at them with a smile, seemingly trying to convince herself that the others would be alright as well.

"The death eaters were waiting for us, it was an ambush!" Hagrid continued on as he entered the house with Molly. Ginny walked up to Harry, looking worried.

"Ron and Tonks should've already been back." She sighed, her voice was trembling with fear and worry. "Draco, Dad and Fred as well-"

A crack of apparition had brought their attention as the sound of apparition through the wards alerted them. A blue light had appeared in the darkness: It grew larger and brighter, and Lupin and George appeared, spinning and then falling. Harry knew immediately that there was something wrong: Lupin was supporting George, who was unconscious and whose face was covered in blood. Ginny covered her mouth in shock as Harry ran towards them.

"HERE!" Lupin shouted frantically. "QUICK! Into the house!" Harry hooked Fred's other arm onto his shoulder as they both helped him into the Burrow, Ginny following behind with tears in her eyes. Together, he and Lupin carried George into the house and through the kitchen to the living room, where they laid him on the sofa.

As the lamplight fell across George's head, Ginny gasped and Harry's stomach lurched: One of George's ears was missing. The side of his head and neck were drenched in wet, shockingly scarlet blood.

"Oh, my boy." Molly gasped and stroked his hair and forehead.

No sooner had Mrs Weasley bent over her son that Lupin grabbed Harry by the upper arm and dragged him, none too gently, back into the kitchen, where Hagrid was still attempting to ease his bulk through the back door. Remus grabbed Harry by the shirt, hoisting him up into the air and drawing his wand, pointing it towards his neck as he pushed him against the wall.

"Lupin!" said Hagrid indignantly.

"What are you doing?!" Ginny said frantically.

Lupin ignored them.

Remus looked at Harry intensely, seemingly searching for something in his eyes. "What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts-"


"-WHAT CREATURE?!" Remus bellowed, giving him a shake.

"Uh, a Grindylow!" Harry stammered.

Remus' gaze on him softened as he slowly set Harry back down onto the wooden floor and released his grip on his shirt. He sighed and panted for breath as he fell back against a kitchen cupboard.

"We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight." Remus grasped Harry by the shoulder and gave him a small frown. "I had to make sure you weren't an imposter."

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