Meeting Young Mr. Malfoy

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~Tessa's POV~

After an hour or so of talking to and getting to know Ron, our compartment door opened again.

A girl with curly hair looked at us. There was a boy next to her looking upset. "Have any of you seen a toad? Neville's lost his pet"

We all shook our heads.

"Hey! You're the Potter twins! I've read all about you!" She said, looking at us.

The boy, Neville, poked her. "Yes right. Well we must be going" she left, Neville following close behind.

~~Time skip~~

Later on, the boys were snacking on chocolate frogs while I was examining each and every card we got closely.

The compartment door opened


We all looked up.

Standing at the door were three boys. Two of them were big and broad. One had chocolate on his cheek, the other a smirk on his face.

In front of them stood a boy with bluish grey eyes and bleach blonde hair. He wore a smirk as well

"So it's true what they're saying? The Potter twins are going to Hogwarts." He said. We just stared at him

"I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy"

Ron snorted.

"Think my name's funny do you? No need to know who you are. Red hair, hand me down robes. You're a Weasley"

Harry and Ron both stood up defensively. I just glared at the boy.

"Your better learn your place around here Potter. Don't want to hang around the wrong sort" Draco said. He offered his hand to my brother "I can help you with that"

Harry glared at him. "I think I can figure out the wrong sort for myself thanks" he said. Malfoy scowled.

Then he turned to me. His eyes met mine and for a moment, his scowl faded a little into a look of.. curiousity.

Then as if snapping out of a trance, his smirk returned and he offered his hand to me. "What about you?"

I looked at his hand for a moment.

I reached my hand toward him. But instead of shaking his hand, I pushed his hand back toward him.

"I'm sorry Draco. But I don't think you have the right to judge the wrong sort." I said softly

He furrowed his brows and tsked. Then he turned around and stormed off. The two goons not far behind him.

My brother and Ron looked at me and grinned.

I laughed and we all got ready to get off the train.

A/N; yep yep dooone! See you next Saturday!!!!

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