Sirius Black Attacks

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~Tessa's POV~

Weeks later, the fat lady had been attacked.

We walked up the stairs to find her gone. When we found her, she told us that it was Sirius. We all immediately freaked out.

"Silence! All students to the Great Hall!" Dumbledore yelled

We all immediately headed there. I separated from Harry to go and find Draco.

I found him and hugged him.

"Thank goodness you're okay" he said in my ear.

"Dumbledore said we have to sleep in the Great Hall tonight. Should we risk being near each other?" I asked

He nodded "yea. We find a very secluded corner and that's where we'll stay." He said, "we can talk more"

I smiled as I followed my best friend to the Great Hall. We each grabbed a mat and found a corner away from everyone else.

We set down our mats and faked sleep.

Late in the night, after everyone was asleep, Draco and I sat up and leaned against the wall.

I sighed "He's after us" I said

"What?" Draco looked at me

"Sirius Black? He's after Harry and I"

"Seriously? (:3)"

I nodded and sighed "this is a mess..."

"It is. But so are we. We'll get through this. We always do" he said with a smile.

I smiled back and laid down on my mat. He laid on his. I yawned a little bit then slowly fell asleep. The last thing I felt before I did was Draco's pinky finger linking with mine.

A/N: short but sweet

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