The Quinwizard tournament

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A/N: yea I think quin is five.. correct me if I'm wrong.... I'm probably wrong.

~Draco's POV~

I hopped off the train with a yawn. Another year. But father told me something exciting was happening this year. Refused to tell me what though.

I looked around the station quietly. I knew who I was looking for. But I hadn't talked to her since the World Cup. And that didn't end very well... Hell I didn't even know if she was alive.

Bloody hell... I should probably find her

I was starting to get worried when I saw her.

Tessa stood with her annoying brother and friends, a bright smile on her face as she hugged Weasley. I scowled as I watched this. She pulled away from him then looked over and saw me. She grinned at me and I smiled back.

She'd changed a bit since the last time we saw each other. Her jet black hair was longer and she was definitely taller. Not taller than me of course. That probably wouldn't happen.

I smiled. Already a great year.

~Tessa's POV~

Harry and Ron led the way to the carriages. I took the opportunity to disappear into the crowd.

When I did, I snuck up behind Draco. He was looking around.

I hugged him from behind. "Evening Mr. Malfoy~" I said in his ear.

"Miss. Potter" he replied.

He turned to face me.

"Blimey Draco! You need a haircut!" I exclaimed, looking at his neat hair. I ruffled his hair. He glared at me.

I giggled "I gotta catch up with my brother. I will see you later" I said, poking his nose. He chuckled as I ran off.

Okay. Yea. I like him. A lot. You couldn't tell could you? Hiding being friends with him is one thing but dating him... Harry would kill me, resurrect my body, then kill me again. Then he'd kill Draco.

I just wish those two idiots would sort out their differences. I sighed as I walked up to Harry.

When we got up to the school, the sorting ceremony went by quickly. As well as dinner.

When everyone had eaten, Dumbledore stood up. We turned our attention to him

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I am proud to welcome our new first years! And now. I have a very special surprise. Every four years there is a triwizard tournament. And this year, Hogwarts will be the host!" He said. The hall exploded with cheers.

"What the bloody hell is a triwizard tournament?" I asked Harry. He shrugged.

The doors to the hall opened and a group of men stormed in

"Welcome to our school the men of Durmstrang" Dumbledore announced.

"It's Viktor Krum!" Ron gushed.

Sure enough the famous Quidditch player waltzed in, being led by the headmaster of Durmstrang.

"Wow!" I exclaimed

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