A Surprising Discovery

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A/N: this'll be at the duel in the second year. Draco and Tessa will sort of be friends but secretly. Then in the next chapter I'll do the third year.

~Tessa's POV~

Remember how I said that my first year was gonna be great?

Well apparently I lied.

I fought a troll, a three headed dog, a plant, and You-Know-Who himself! I really don't have very good luck do I...

I'm also a little perplexed. Draco Malfoy is a very confusing young man. All throughout my first year he was kind to me but rotten to my brother and my friends.

He'd made an enemy out of my brother which meant I had to choose sides. But for some reason, I didn't. Draco and I have a secret friendship. An alliance you could say...

Anyway, I'll stop bothering you with small details and get to the story.

It was halfway through my second year. There had been attacks on muggle-borns and we needed defense.

So Professor Lockhart, our new DADA teacher, created a dueling club.

Snape and Lockhart did a demonstration of a disarming spell. Then Lockhart wanted volunteers.

"What about Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley?" He said

"Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells and Potter would go easy on him either way." Snape said in a monotone voice, "instead, let's have Mr. Malfoy and Miss. Potter."

Draco and I looked at each other in surprise. I sighed and we both went up on the small stage they had set up.

Draco and I stood in front for each other. Lockhart was instructing us on something but I wasn't really paying attention.

"I'm sorry about this Draco" I whispered to him, "We should try to take it a little bit easy on each other"

"They'll get suspicious if we do. We're supposed to be rivals... We'll talk after the duel okay?" He replied. I nodded slowly and we both turned our backs on each other.

We walked five paces then turned. Before I could do anything, Draco shouted a spell that sent me flying. I hit the ground hard. "Ow.." I mumbled

"I said disarming only!" Lockhart yelled as I hopped up.

"Stupefy!" I yelled, shooting the spell at Draco. I purposely missed.

Snape whispered something in Draco's ear and he nodded.

He shouted a spell I didn't recognize and a snake flew from his wand. I yelped in surprise and backed up a little.

Instead of going for me; however, the snake instead went for a Hufflepuff named Justin.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" Harry and I both shouted. The snake looked at me then Harry.

Snape pointed his wand at the snake and it shriveled up in flames and disappeared.

The whole hall was looking at Harry and I in shock.

We both left the hall. Herminoe and Ron were close behind us.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asked as we walked away from the hall.

"Tell you what?" Harry asked

"You can speak Parseltongue!" (#worstspelling)

"What's that?" I asked

"You can talk to snakes" Hermione said

"I think we would've known if we were speaking a different language. I mean if we hadn't told that snake to back off then-" I started

"Oh so that's what you were saying, it sounded like you were egging it on" Ron said. I furrowed my brows.

"Psst" a hiss came from behind us. I turned to see a familiar blond head disappear behind a wall.

"What was that?" Ron asked

"I tsked. Go ahead to the common room without me. I'll catch up' I said. They glanced at each other then did so.

I quickly went to where Draco was hiding

"When were you going to tell me?" Draco whisper-shouted.

"Tell you what??" I asked, irritated.

"You can speak Parseltongue!" He yelled. I shushed him.

"I didn't know until about two minutes ago" I replied in a whisper, "but it's not that bad is it?"

"Yea. It is. It's the mark of a dark wizard. My father told that You-Know-Who himself could speak Parseltongue." He said

"Oh.." I mumbled.

"Don't worry." He said, giving me a smile, "you can't be evil."

"Oh yeah? Why's that?"

"Because you're too pwecious" he said in a baby voice as he pinched my cheek. I laughed

"Stop Draco" I said happily, tugging gently on his ear

He smiled at me "I gotta go.. see you tomorrow"

I nodded and waved at him before leaving to go to my common room

A/N: yep. Cutesy friendship. Sorry if this chapter seemed a bit rushed. I'm just trying to get to the third year. Don't worry. That'll be better.

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