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~Tessa's POV~

"Umbridge better not give us home work" Ron said grumpily as we walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts. We'd already had Potion and History of Magic and we had piles of homework already.

I shrugged in response.

We took our seats in the classroom and waited for Professor Umbridge.

When she walked in, she said "Good Afternoon class!" In a dreadfully cheery voice

The class mumbled in response

"Now. That won't do. When I say good Afternoon I expect you to say 'Good Afternoon Professor Umbridge!' Now let's try again" she said, "Good afternoon class!"

"Good afternoon Professor Umbridge" the class grumbled

Umbridge smiled happily "Alright. Wands away Quills out" she instructed.

She pointed her own wand at the chalk board in front of the room.

"Ordinary Wizarding Levels. O.W.L." she recited as she wrote the words with her wand, "Everyone please take out your assigned books"

There was shuffling as everyone pulled out the 'for beginners' books we'd been assigned

"Now everyone turn to the first chapter" Umbridge instructed

"Um... Professor, this doesn't say anything about the use of defensive spells" Hermione spoke up

"Oh my dear I don't see any need for you to use defensive spells" Umbridge said

"But how are we going to practice them?" Harry asked

"There will be no need to actually practice them. Only learn about them"

"Do you mean to tell us we won't be using the spells we learn in that class until the O.W.L.s?" Hermione asked

"Don't you want to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry asked

"There's nothing out there Mr. Potter" Umbridge said, "besides, who would attack children such as yourselves?"

"Oh I don't know, how about Lord Voldemort?" Harry said. The room fell silent

Umbridge took in a deep breath. "You have all been told that a certain dark wizard has come back from the dead. I'm here to tell you that this is a lie"

"No it's not! We saw him! We fought him!" Harry said, gesturing to me. I nodded

"Detention Mr. Potter!" Professor Umbridge said, "There is no You-Know-Who out there"

"Oh so you're saying that Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?" I asked, standing beside my brother

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident" Umbridge said

"Oh so kind of like your birth then?" I shot back.

There were several 'oh's

"Detention Miss. Potter! And twenty points from Gryffindor!" Umbridge snapped

"We all need to know how to fight what's out there!" I said

"You need to teach us!" Harry agreed.

"Potters!" Umbridge snapped, "come. Here."

Harry and I looked at each other then walked to Umbridge's desk.

She scribbled something on a slip of paper and gave it to Harry.

"Take this to Professor McGonagall" she instructed.

Harry and I each grabbed our bags and stormed from the classroom.

~Time Skip~

Later that evening, Harry and I walked into Umbridge's sickeningly pink office for detention.

I looked around at all the many cat pictures.

"Wow.." I mumbled

Harry nodded

"Oh. So glad you could join me" a horribly sweet voice said.

"Please. Sit. Today you'll be writing lines for me. No talking" Umbridge said as we sat down.

She placed two parchments in from of us. We went to get our quills out but she stopped us

"No no. You'll be using two very special quills of mine" she said, handing us each a quill

"Professor what about ink?" I asked

"Don't worry... You won't be needing any" she said, "now you'll both be writing 'i must not tell lies' "

"How many times?" Harry asked

"Oh... Just until it sinks in" she said with a smile as she sat down, staring at us.

Harry and I glanced at each other and began to write. The quills produced red ink on their own, seemingly from nowhere.

Which is what I assumed.

Until there was a sharp pain in my left hand.

I glanced at it as I wrote. I gasped almost inaudibly as the words I must not tell lies carved themselves into my hand. I looked at Harry who had the same shocked expression I did.

The cuts bled for a moment then healed into scars.

We looked at Umbridge

"Yes..?" She asked with a smile

"Nothing" we replied together.

~Time Skip~

I rubbed my hand as Harry and I walked away from Umbridge's office.

"I'll meet you in the common room.." I said to Harry before turning a corner.

I walked as quickly as I could, trying to find Draco. When I found him, I ran into him

"Tessa! Love, what's wrong?" He asked, looking at me.

"Just got out of detention. With Umbridge" I said, hiding my hand.

Draco noticed this.

"What are you hiding?" He asked.

"N-Nothing Dray... I just wanted to say good night" I said, turning to leave.

He grabbed my left hand and I hissed a little.

He pulled me toward him and looked at the back of my hand.

A frown came to his face.

"She had you writing on your hand?" He asked

I shook my head "It was some sort of magic quill... It wrote in red ink... But now I'm not so sure it was ink.." I said softly.

He frowned more and gently kissed my hand.

"I'm sure it'll heal Love... But I'd bandage it just in case" he said.

I nodded "Okay Draco"

"Best be going. Curfew is soon. Good night" he said

"Good night Draco"

He quickly kissed me then headed toward the Slytherin Common Room.

I headed to Gryffindor with a sigh. When I got there, I immediately wrapped my hand in bandages.

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