The Memories

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~Tessa's POV~

We walked through the empty courtyard in silence.

"Where is everybody?" Hermione asked

I shrugged.

We entered the castle and went into the Great Hall.

I gasped as I saw the sight before us.

Around the Great Hall were people both alive and dead.

There were people mourning and talking.

I followed behind the other three as I looked at the ones we'd lost.

I gasped as I saw Lupin and Tonks laying amongst the dead, their hands barely touching.

"No.." Ron's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned to see him running toward the circle of Weasleys a little further down the row.

"Oh no.." I mumbled, following after quickly.

I watched as Ron dropped to his knees.

"Who.." I stopped as I saw him.

Fred laid there, the light in his eyes gone. Around him the Weasley family mourned.

Ron sobbed over his brother's body, repeating the word no over and over again.

I put my hand over my mouth as I looked at him.

I looked up and met the eyes of George Weasley.

His face was covered in dirt, blood, and tears.

I walked forward and he immediately hugged me tightly, crying hard into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Georgie.." I mumbled, hugging him tightly.

He pulled away from me, tears on his face then looked at his twin.

He knelt beside Ron sadly and hugged him.

I wanted to stay there longer. I wanted to be there for them, cry with them.

But Harry's hand on my shoulder pulled my attention from them.

"Let's go.." he mumbled, a few tears on his face as well.

I nodded and let him lead me from the Great Hall

We walked together in silence through the school and to Dumbledore's office

The pensieve stood floating beside the desk, as if ready for us.

We approached it silently

"Are you ready?" He asked

I took the vial from my pocket and looked at the bowl.

"As I'll ever be.." I said, pouring the vial into the misty water.

Together we looked into the pensieve.

There was a field around us.

There were two girls. One had red hair and unmistakable green eyes.

Our mother.

She created a small flower in her hand

"Freak!" Her sister yelled, "I'm telling mummy! You're a freak!"

The memory changed to young Lily and young Severus laying on a river bank

"She's jealous" Severus said, "you're special and she's ordinary"

"That's mean Severus" Lily replied

The scene changed.

They were in Hogwarts. Lily sat on the stool, the sorting hat on her head.

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