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Maliya POV

"I want it at Crane beach" I sighed. Me and Mateo been up for hours searching places to get married. We are doing it quick but I still want it to be beautiful. "Where's crane beach" he asked rubbing his eyes.
"Barbados" I smiled praying he wouldn't shoot the idea down. "Babe we've been at this for 5 hours listen whenever you pick is okay with me perfectly fine" he whined struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Is it in our budget" I asked booking the beach for 5 days from now. Mateo started chuckling uncontrollably. "What's funny" I asked.
"Budget shouldn't be in your vocabulary. How do you think I'm going to school and supporting us financially I mean ya stripper money can last a min but that's chump change to me." Mateo said.

I rolled my eyes "thought you was going to school so you could stop with the drug game shit I mean like this isn't going to be forever right" I honestly was starting to become concerned I don't want my kids being raised in drug shit. I want what I could never have which is a two parent household where bother parents work no drugs in sight.. I have a certain life for my children that I want and I'm going to achieve that no matter who I gotta cut out. We're definitely moving outta Baton Rouge sooner than later they aren't being raised here that shit is a dubbb!!!

"I'm not going to be doing the drug shit full time I'm going to continue on my journey to becoming a lawyer but I am still going to take over and finish what my father started only my vision for it is something greater than what my father ever could believe. With me being a lawyer I'll know the legal side of things while being illegal plus this shit isn't easy to get out of." He explained.

"So what about our children huh! What's going to happen to them when this drug shit get outta hand because it always get outta hand one way or another" I rolled my neck.

"All this fucking attitude listen I got it figured out. I know you want Mylise & Cairo to grow up in a completely different environment from this something stable. That's why I figured in a year or two we could move to Texas that's more of the pace you want anyway . We'll build a house I'll finish up with school. They'll know nothing about drugs I'll appoint someone to care for shit and only come to me for serious shit. I'll even get in business with the Mexican and Jamaican cartel to get good steady money flow along with being a lawyer. We'll be Gucci." He gloated.

"Hmm cartel's have issues with kidnapping people and shit. What happens if they kidnap the fuking kids MATEO" I clapped in his face.

"You testing my gangster. Listen we'll train them. Train them physically and mentally for it we'll say it's for them to keep busy but really it's getting them prepared for ever being put in fucked up situations. We'll put them in mma and boxing. We'll give them drills. I'll set cameras all over the house we'll have workers watching them all day. We'll have attack dogs ready with gates and passcodes Baby I got this you just figure out what you wanna do I'm doing this so you can do your dream to." He mumbled.

"Okay Mateo I'm trusting you I'm going to believe and support you. Now for the colors of the wedding." I started

"I'm down for anything besides beige" he rolled over.

Aaliyah POV

I took Aurora to Sage rehab hospital . She quietly stared. "The doorway to a better life right." She sighed.
"Yeah" I softly said I handed her whatever money I had on me and in the car at the moment. "No I can't take this"

"No take it. Your about to go through possibly the hardest time of your life. Your daughter isn't here to help you through it. Just take it" I forced the money into her hand. A tear rolled down her cheek. "I really do love her I swear on my life I do. If I could fix it I would" she sighed.

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