Phase 1

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A/N Hi guys just wanted to say that Thor and Loki are in this story but they come in at around chapter nine. Just wanted to say that and I hope you enjoy :)


   I wake up, blinding light flashes onto my eyes and I quickly cover them with my hands. The door opens and I hear footsteps

"Get up, A1 and A2." I hear someone yell. I grab one of my sisters arms and shake her awake.

   This is just a typical morning. Or, at least, so I thought. We both get up and walk over towards the door waiting for our next orders.

"Turn around and put your hands behind your head." Someone else says.

   I look over at my sister worryingly. Wondering what they are going to do to us today.

"It's going to be OK." I mouth, trying to reassure both of us.

   I hear footsteps come up behind us, and two hands roughly grab my hands and put them behind my back.

   The guards force us to go into the hallway, my sister gets pulled the opposite way I'm being pushed. I look back at her, feeling anxious on what they are going to do to us.


   I get pushed into a strange room. A table lies in the middle of the large room, the high ceilings cramped with machines that sent tingles up and down my spine. On the other side of the room, cabinets lined the wall, carts parked next to them and monitors on wheels sat next to them.

   I stand by the door, wringing my hands to try to stop my body from shaking uncontrollably. I always feared these type of days. The days where I get tested and experimented on instead of the lessons they provide for us.

"Lay on the table, A1," said a computerized voice.

I have always hated the name they gave me. I never found out the name my mom had given to me when she birthed me. Those type of things were never told to me.

"A1, lay down on the table, now." The voice said.

   I look around the room debating on whether or not I wanted to comply to the order. I don't want to find out what those machines do. I don't want to suffer anymore than I have for the past 9 years of my life. I don't know why they are doing this to me, I don't know what these tests and experiments are going to lead to.

"Lay on the table, this is your final warning."

   I look back at the table, whenever I am brought into rooms like this, it doesn't usually end well for me. I stare at it hoping, praying that I wouldn't have to go through what I have had to.

   The doors open behind me, and two hands grab my waist and lift me up, pulling me from my train of thought.

   I twist and flail my arms and legs trying to make whoever it is loosen their grasp on me. I get slammed onto the table and see stars blur my vision as a mask stares down at me.

   I've never seen the true form of the masked creatures. All I knew is that they most likely don't look like my sister and I.

   The masked creature presses a button and long wires with lights at the end slither from under the table and wrap themselves around my wrists, arms, ankles, legs, and waist. Pulling tighter, holding me down to the table.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang