A New Beginning

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My eyes pop open, the bright light temporarily blinds me causing spots to blur my vision. Once they disappear I look around to take in my surroundings. The walls are beige and white along with everything else in the room. I jump up from the bed and land on my feet, but something doesn't feel right, I look down and see my arm, chest and leg covered in some kind of cast. 'Where am I?' I think to myself as I limp over to the door. Right as I was about to press the handle down to go out I hear voices. I run as quickly as I can back to the bed and try to get to the same position I was before. I quickly close my eyes as the door opens

"What kind of injuries does she have?" Someone says.

"A broken leg, arm and rib. She also has a bruised lung and symptoms of a concussion." Says another. 

"How long do you think it will take for her to wake up." The first says.

"I'm not sure. She's not from around here." 

"Anything else you can tell me." I hear the impatience in his voice.

"She is showing high levels of energy similar to the tesseract." 

'The what.' I think to myself. I lay as still as I can, trying to control my breathing from giving away that I am awake.

"You are dismissed." The first person says and I hear the door close. Once we are alone he begins to speak. "You are very bad at pretending to sleep." 

I open my eyes and look at the person, or should I say man. He has an eye patch over his right eye, a long black cloak, with black clothes under it. I feel myself move back to the corner of the bed to get as far away from this man as I can. He sighs and sits on the edge of the bed. I wrap my arms around my legs. 

"You are a very powerful girl." He begins. "I don't understand how you have these powers..."

"They're not powers." I snap. "They're abilities, there's a difference."

".... abilities, where are you from."

A vision flashes through my mind, I see a blue man standing over me in a hallway. He's saying four words. "Haroly is your home." Many other visions fly through my head showing me what tortures I've been through, what I've experienced. I get back to reality and look at the man.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You are in a building in New York City." The man says simply.

I look around the room once again and see machines similar to Haroly, a chill runs through my back and I look back at the man.

"Bullshit." I say. "I am on Haroly aren't I, you thought you got me Zaydon, you are wrong!"

I quickly get up and run out the door. I am in a hallway, people walk by me staring at how I am dressed in black leggings and a white t-shirt. 

"Code thirteen, we have a code thirteen." It blares and all of the men and woman in uniform look at me and run towards me. I panic standing there for a second as all of these people run at me in all of the directions. I run toward a large group and jump, I clear all of them and run away as fast as I could, I feel the cast begin to slip off of my leg and I pull it back up because it is beginning to throb. Another group of people block my view but this time they're holding guns. A vision flies across my mind, a gunshot sounds and Margeratha is on the floor dead. Tears fill my eyes but I fling them away.

'This is not true,' I begin to think, 'Zaydon is just trying to get inside of your head, it isn't real.'

I look at the people then look to my right, a window is between me and freedom, I run at it. I jump, using my un-broken arm to protect my face from the glass. I never really thought of how high it was until I began to fall. I land hard on the ground, a car narrowly misses me when I land. The front doors of the building open and standing there is the man from my room.

"Kid." He shouts. "I am not here to hurt you and you are not at that place you had mentioned earlier. Horloly? You are not there, I promise."

"How am I supposed to believe you?" I ask.

"Because, I am on your side."  he replies.

I begin to I feel myself tense up ready to run but something stops me. The people in the doorway begin to step out toward me but I don't run this time. I just stand there as they surround me and guide me back into the building. The man begins to walk with me as I limp beside him. We walk into a room, a desk sits between us and files lay on top of that. I pick up a file and I read 'Tony Stark, Iron Man'. A picture of a man with black hair and a thin goatee, next to it is some sort of man in the metal suit! This is the guy who saved my life. I feel myself cry as I remember what had happened that day, my sister is gone. I place his file on my lap.

"What is this?" I ask gesturing to the files.

"Files on remarkable people." He says. 

I pick two other files, one says 'Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow', a picture of a red head with long curly hair stairs back at me and the other reads 'Clint Barton Hawkeye', a middle-aged man with brown hair is in the photograph. He is also holding a bow and has a sling of arrows behind his back.  

"What is the point of these?" I ask as I look down at the few files that I haven't touched yet.

"To bring together a team." He says.

I grab the next two files and see the name 'Bruce Banner, Hulk' scrawled across the file. A middle aged man with black curly hair and wearing a white lab coat stands there, while the other shows a green giant with straight hair. The other one reads 'Steve Rogers, Captain America' across it, black and white photos show a scrawny little kid with a white shirt on while the other shows a muscular man with a helmet on. The helmet has an 'A' pressed onto it. I open the file and a stamp was pressed onto it saying 'deceased'. I close my eyes trying to not become emotional in front of a man that I don't know. 

"What sort of team?" I say opening my eyes as I lay the final folders down in the pile I created. I stare down blankly at a folder that reads 'Unknown' and a picture of me in Chicago is on top of it. I open it and see that all of the questions have the answer 'unknown' written in all of the boxes. 

"A team that will be there when we need them to." He explains.

"Does this team have a name?" I ask staring down at my file, smiling. I can't exactly remember the last time I did that. 

"The Avengers Initiative." He looks at me with his one eye. 

"When do we start?"



Oh my goodness, I can't believe that this story is already over!!! Thank you for living through this little adventure I created:)  I plan on continuing on with her story and I can't wait to see what kind of character Agerathea will become in my upcoming books! I had so much fun writing it and I hope all of you guys enjoyed the story just as much as I did, thank you so much for being part of Agerathea's story and I can't wait to see what this story will become! See ya later peeps! ;-)

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