The Life of Bad Dreams

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"I believe it is time to begin the second phase."

   Those words echo in my ears as I stand there. What does he mean by phases? And what the hell did I just do a minute ago?

"We will continue tomorrow," He looks down at me. "Bring her to her room."

   I get roughly pushed to walk towards my room. This time with ten escorts, all of them are holding guns and have them aimed at me. I think about fighting them but decide not to, whatever just happened was not under my control. I can't push my luck.

We finally reach my room. They open the door and I walk in, cautiously, because I expect one of them to push me. None of them did though. I look back, the creatures are still staring at me with their guns drawn. The door closes, but it isn't until the thud that I look back at my room.

The bed my sister and I shared is still vacant. I just hope that they don't give her a too hard of a time, she is more sensitive in that manner, taking everything more personal.

I sit on the bed and lean against the wall and wait.

'I hope they don't put her through the things I have been through.' I think as I sit their.


   I wake up, and shift my position feeling the coolness of my sister's side of the bed. My body begins to buzz as I move towards the edge of it. I begin to feel dizzy and I stop. I don't move as I wait to make the lightheadedness go away.

"A?" I said, waiting a few moments to see if I hear her voice. We call each other 'A' because it's our modified version of our name. We both wanted to have "our own names for each other" even though they are the same name. It's just a way for us to have our own bond during the night.

I hear a sniffle come from somewhere in the room. I get out of bed slowly, trying to not make myself more dizzy. I begin to walk around the room, touching the wall as I go to guide me.

I continue to walk and hear my sister's quiet sniffles get louder. I reach the third corner and kick something soft.... oops.

"Ow." I hear her say.

"Sorry," I mumble.

   I stand there for a few awkward moments waiting for her to respond.

"Hey are you OK?" I say as I crouch down next to her.

"I hope so," she says between sniffles.

I wrap my arms around her, trying to give her a sense of security. We sit there for a few more awkward minutes in silence, my body continues to tremble and buzz as we lean against the wall. The dizziness is beginning to slowly go away.

"Bad dream?" She asks.

I shake my head but then say, "no" when I realize she can't see me. The dizziness is growing again.

   'Why did I do that?' I mentally palm myself in the face.

"Did you have a bad dream?" I ask trying to distract myself.

"My life is a bad dream." She responds.

"What happened this time?" I say trying to make her talk.

"They took me into a room, and strapped me to this table," she began.

"Yeah they did that to me too." I say softly, I try to shake the memory, that happened just hours before, from my head as I look down at my sister.

"Then they gave me a shot with something that made my insides burn." I look down at her. "I then passed out from the pain and I woke up in here...."

"Hey, A, I have a question." I interrupt. I feel her nod against my chest. "Did they mention anything about phases?"

"No, why?" She asks, I feel her gaze move up at me.

"No reason." I say, "do you feel different at all?"



"My body just feels different that's all. Why?"

"Just... wondering," I stop myself from telling her what happened. I don't want her to know. We lay there for a few more minutes.

"I have one more question," I say, "was there a navy man in a black suit there?"

"No, why?"

Man she asks a lot of questions.

"No reason. C'mon, lets go to bed." I say trying to make her forget her questions.

I grab her hand and guide her back to the bed. We lay down and she grasps my hand, as if she is afraid I would leave her. Her heavy breathing began to slow and become even.

'What does she mean when she says her body feels different?' I think as I lay there. 'Is she going through the same as I am, but just in a different form?'

I hear her soft snore. I kiss her head and I move myself slowly trying not to wake her up. I finally let the tiredness get to me and I fall to sleep.

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