A Fallen Hero

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I feel the pressure begin to lift off of my chest. I open my eyes and see Margeratha standing there, her arms spread wide out. An expression of fear replaces her expression of hatred. Her knees collapse under her and she's laying on the ground, shaking. I crawl over to her and grab onto her jacket. My hand comes back sticky from blood. I stare at it.

"No, no, no, please no." I whisper as I look down at my sister. She coughs and a flash of pain crosses her face.

"I'm so sorry." I repeat over and over as my tears roll down my cheeks, I hold back a sob from escaping my throat. "Please someone help her!" I shout as I cradle her in my arms. I look up and see men behind the flashing cars, guns pointed at us, they all have a shocked expression on her face. "Help her!" I shout as she continues to shake. She reaches out her hand and clasps it around my arm. 

"Agerathea." She says weakly, I look down at her and she reaches up to wipe my tears. "This is not your fault." I begin to ramble but stop when she continues. "Stop Zaydon, stop him before he takes control of you too." She goes into a coughing fit. "Please make me that promise." I nod. "Cross your heart." She says weakly, I do as I am told and cross my heart. "I love you Agerathea."

"I love you too." I say between sobs, her shaking begins to slow down and her breaths become weaker and weaker. She looks up at me and smiles. I feel her body go limb and she turns cold.

I feel myself go numb, all of my pain from my chest to my leg to my arm, it all disappears. I don't feel anything, I feel empty. I hear a scream and it takes me a moment to realize that it is actually me. Gunshots ring out but nothing hits me. Tears stream down my face as I continue to scream I feel something surge through me and a bright light fills my vision. 

Once the light subsides I hear another bang and time slows, but this is different. I am not controlling it. I see one last bullet come at me. I don't move though, I don't feel a need to live anymore since the one person I love is dead. I close my eyes as I accept death, a clank sounds in front of me and I open my eyes and see a man,  but not just a man, a metal man. He took the bullet for me. He has his hands up facing them toward the men who shot the guns. He shouts something but I can't understand the words from the ringing in my ears.

I hear a crack from above and see the buildings cracking with purple light shining through them. The buildings groan in protest as they begin to fall. The ships crash into the buildings and one that is split in half is falling right towards me. 

I feel myself get lifted off the ground by something hard and cold. 

"No!"I shout when I feel my sister's hand escape through my fingertips. I begin to thrash against this man but it's no use. He flies on, through the debris, narrowly missing it. My eyes blur from the dust and tears.  A pain hits me in the back of my head and I slip into unconsciousness. 

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now