The First Mission

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I wake up to Thor standing next to my bed. He has his Asgardian armor on along with him holding his hammer.

"Lady Agerathea, I need your help." He says. I push myself up to look at him.

"What do you need my help with?" I ask 

"I need to travel to a new place and I need your help. The abilities you posses will help me complete this assignment father has given to me." He continues. "Will you help me?" 

"Yes, it is time for me to do something for once." I say and quickly get out of the bed. 

I look down at the nightgown and look back up at Thor. I grab the smooth silk. "I am going to need proper attire if we are going on a mission." I say trying to mimic his voice.

"Of course, a lady warrior must be in proper clothing." He says.

I smile and follow Thor to my room. 


I walk in and Thor waits outside of the room. I look around at the room that Odin had given to me. I walk over and sit on the bed that I only slept on once or twice. I look over to the corner of the room where the armor that the woman had created for me. The sun shines in through the window creating a gleam on the armor's shoulders. 

I go to the bathroom and quickly wash my face. I run back out and put my armor on, carefully placing each piece so it perfectly fits my body. Once all of the pieces are on and fir right, I run out of the room and almost bump into Thor, he looks down at me and smirks. 

"Are you ready?" He asks.

I nod because I am too excited and anxious to say anything. We begin to walk down the halls I keep looking out the windows, seeing the beautiful landscapes and intricate designs on the buildings. My eye gets caught by a a small building with a point on top of it and a bridge that connects it to the rest of Asgard. Thor stops and comes up next to me. I point at the building.

"What is that?" I ask. 

"Our ride." He says. "So you may be aware, Odin has made this into a top secret mission, so I am going to need you to make Heimdall forget that we went to him to leave this place." 

I nod, but something seems off about Thor, I look at him one last time then follow him down the hall. 

We eventually get to the edge of the bridge. Now that we are closer I can see beautiful colors on the bridge. We are offered horses to ride down the bridge and we accept. We ride the horses down to the building. As we get closer I see a man standing in front of the large horned building, he holds  a large sword with the point on the ground. We stop the horses about ten feet from the man, Thor helps me down from the horse. We both stride up to Heimdall.

"Heimdall, open the bifr..."

"If you believe that I am not aware that you are not actually Thor, then you are not as intelligent as you may believe," He stops and looks at me, "Margeratha."

I stop, I stop thinking, I stop breathing and I stop feeling. No, no, no! I look over at Thor but it isn't Thor anymore. It's Margeratha. Her eyes are glowing red, as she looks at me and the red flames from her arms start to surround me with a tornado of redness. I close my eyes and scream over the whirl of the tornado. All of a sudden the sound stops.

I open my eyes and look around me. Margeratha stands there looking at me with a blank expression. Her arms are still surrounded by the flames and her fists are clenched. I look around taking in my surroundings. We are no longer on the bridge but in a hallway. Beige walls surround me and blank tiles rest at my feet. I know this place. Please no, please god no. I look at Margeratha, she is still standing there, blankly looking in the distance. A strange noise comes from down the hall. I look over just in time to see Zaydon forming from the red flames that Margeratha had just created. A sudden chill goes up and down my spine. I feel afraid for the first time, I'm not sure why but something begins to itch at the back of my brain. 

"Hello A1." He says in that smooth voice he has. A smile forms on his blue lips. 

"Zaydon." I say, trying to mimic his voice. 

His smile becomes wider and another chill goes throughout my body. He looks at me up and down.

"Nice costume." He says and begins to walk toward me. "So, you are one of them now?" 

"I have only been there for a..." His smirk disappears. "What do you want Zaydon?" 

"I want you to come back." He says stepping closer. I begin to notice that the lines on his face are more noticeable than they were when I left. His smile comes back to normal. "You haven't aged a bit."

"How long have I been gone?" I ask. 

"Eleven and a half months." He says. 

I look back at my sister, I now notice some of the differences in her hair and her skin. She has become paler and her hair is longer than it was the last time I had seen her. 

"What have you done to her." I ask him. 

"I made her better." He says. "I love what you did with your hair by the way." 

I move my hair through my hair, it still feels strange to have it this short. I look back at him, he stands there with his hands intertwined as he stares at me. 

"Why did you do this to her?" I ask.

"She needed improvements." He shrugs.

"You are a madman." I say. 

His smile falters. "You shouldn't be saying that to someone who is in control of a loved one." 

Ice runs throughout my veins and I tense up. I look over at my sister and realize that I had missed all of the evidence. I feel my eyes burn, she has been through hell and back and I am here not doing anything. I run at him, my footsteps echo down the hallway creating a creepy beat

"You son of a..." I feel the familiar warmth surround my arms as I was going in for the punch. As I was about to hit him in his smug face but he disappears through a red rimming. I look back at Margeratha and see the red flames disappear along with the rest of the hallway. She still has a glaze over her eyes. 

We stand back on the rainbow bridge but we are now surrounded by the Asgardian army. 

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now